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HARPER TOOK HER KEYS OUT OF THE BACK POCKET OF HER MOM JEANS, THUMBLING WITH THEM FOR A SECOND BEFORE SLIDING THE CORRECT ONE INTO THE LOCK. Stiles rubbed his neck from behind her, becoming impatient with the teenager that they had been hauled with.

They moved into the house as Stiles set down the rules for Derek.

"We're just gonna wait here for Scott. We're gonna sit quietly, and we're not gonna call or talk to anyone," he instructed firmly.

"Do I talk to you two?" Derek asked.




"Who's going to talk to him?" Derek gestured towards Raphael McCall, a now somewhat permanent member of the household.

"Ah!" Stiles jumped before glaring at Scott's dad, "are you getting taller?"

Harper sighed, remembering that today was the day she, Scott and Isaac were going to sit down and have dinner with him. Raphael was using his time in Beacon Hills to get closer to his son, but he seemed to not mind that Harper and Isaac had also been taken under Melissa's wing. He wasn't so bad when he wasn't working.

"Harper," he nodded at the teenage girl before frowning towards the two boys she was with, "what are you two doing here?"

"Waiting for Scott," Derek replied.

He nodded, "yeah, so am I. We're supposed to be having dinner. I bought extra, you guys hungry?"

"Yeah," Derek and Harper replied at the same time as Stiles said, "no, we're not hungry."

"No, I'm starving," the other boy protested.

"None of us are hungry. Thanks, though," Stiles ignored Derek.

"Okay, well if you're not hungry, Stiles, your friend can still eat with Harper, Isaac and I," the tall man insisted, holding up the bag of food he was carrying, "what's your name?"

"Miguel," Harper replied quickly before Derek could answer himself.

She heard Stiles let out what resembled a small laugh, however he quickly covered it up with a cough. Clearly, he remembered the nickname he had given Derek almost two years ago now too.

The Stilinski boy nodded, "yeah, this is my cousin Miguel. From Mexico, so..." He clapped him on the back for unneeded emphasis.

Raphael hummed in acknowledgement before he began to speak in fluent Spanish. Stiles looked down at Harper while she looked up at her boyfriend, both exchanging looks of alarm. Harper felt her palms get a little clammy, realising they were about to get caught out. Scott's dad was an FBI agent, for god's sake. What did they expect?

She wondered how Stiles or Scott got away with anything growing up, what with both their dads basically solving crimes for a living. At least with her father always being busy in his office and her mother not being the brightest of women, she stood a chance of getting away with stuff.

Harper visibly jumped as Derek replied back, the Spanish language rolling off of his tongue as if it was his first. Derek could speak Spanish?

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