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    It was night when they left for Eichen House, making the building all that more intimidating

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    It was night when they left for Eichen House, making the building all that more intimidating. While Harper had been so angry before, now that she stood outside it, knowing her father was inside and she was about to see him again, she felt herself grow a little bit nervous.

   Lydia and Kira were pressing the button by the gate for somebody to let them in while Stiles, Scott and Harper remained by the jeep. Harper glanced up at her boyfriend, finding him playing with his hands in an anxious manner. She frowned, just as Scott came over and noticed the same thing.

  "You two gonna be okay in there?" He asked them both sincerely.

  "Yeah, why?" Stiles furrowed his brows.

  "Well, for starters, Harper has never liked this place, and secondly you seem a little off," Scott narrowed his eyes at the Stilinski boy, Harper nodding her head in agreement.

  "I think we're all a little off."

  "Yeah, some of us more than others," Scott glanced over his shoulder at Kira.

  The Empath grew concerned. "What's wrong with her?"

   "Well, when the other Chimera, Lucas, when he came after us, I heard Kira say something in Japanese," Scott began, lowering his voice so that his girlfriend didn't hear him discussing her issues with his best friends. 

   "That doesn't sound too bad," Stiles shrugged, a blank look on his face.

  "She doesn't know any Japanese," Scott declared.

  "I speak Latin in my sleep sometimes," Harper muttered back. "And the only word I know in Latin is my own surname. Maybe it's just like... her supernatural side coming out more?"

   "Yeah, well, I also think I might have stopped her from killing Lucas," Scott's eyes were a little wide as he remembered the scene that had gone down in the club while they were trying to protect Liam and Mason.

  Harper's lips parted in shock. "Kill him? That doesn't sound like Kira at all. She'd never do something like that."

  Scott nodded in agreement, thankful that at least one of his friends was as concerned as he was. Meanwhile, Stiles remained silent, a look in his eye that Scott couldn't quite describe.

  Stiles hesitated before he asked, "but wasn't he trying to kill you though? I mean, that just sounds like self-defence."

  "It was more than that," the werewolf shook his head. "She nearly took off his head."

  Harper shuddered, but Stiles' face just hardened slightly. "Maybe she had no choice," he defended, "there's gotta be a point where self-defence is justified. Tracy killed her own father. And Lucas would have killed you."

  "They're not the bad guys," Scott reminded him softly. "They're the victims. We shouldn't be killing the people we're trying to save."

  There was a moment of silence before a loud buzzing noise came from behind them. Scott and Harper turned around to see the gate door slide open, groaning as it did so. Biting down on her bottom lip, she swallowed all of her fears and began to walk towards it. She missed the way Scott and Stiles glanced at each other from behind her, but she still felt their concern.

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