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"Okay, so there are four steps," Stiles told everyone as they surrounded a blueprint of Eichen House. "We get into Eichen, we get into the Closed Unit, we get Harps, we get out."

Lydia huffed, "are you forgetting all of the orderlies I told you about?" She folded her arms from where she was stood in between Malia and Isaac. "And the guards Valack set outside her door when I went to go get her."

Scott sighed. "No, we didn't forget. We also didn't forget the electronic door locks or the Mountain Ash barriers."

"You got a plan?" Isaac asked, raising his eyebrows as Scott and Lydia listed all of the things opposing them. "Sounds like we don't have a chance."

"Not helping. And Lydia stole this," Stiles lifted up a keycard, making the strawberry blonde smile proudly. "But it's useless, cause they reset the codes each night."

The banshee's smile dropped. She'll admit that she didn't know that.

"So how is it useful?" Kira, who had returned only yesterday asked as she shook her head.

"I'm getting to that," Stiles insisted, hating how much time they were having to waste by explaining everything.

He wanted Harper out of Eichen House, and he wanted her out now.

When Lydia came running into the animal clinic last night, sobbing about how Harper was trapped and about to get her head drilled into, the pack had all jumped into action. Stiles had known something was wrong with his girlfriend when she didn't say 'I love you' at the end of the phone calls they shared, or after a conversation via text message.

Everybody was devastated.

They knew the dangers of Harper being experimented on by Valack. They knew what had happened to her mother, and how Harry had been so scared of going back that he had betrayed the only family he had left. This was the last thing that Harper Verum deserved, and Deaton had informed them on how deathly it could be.

When her Empathic abilities were amplified, she would be able to feel everything going on around her- which could potentially cause her own death.

Stiles wasn't having that.

He needed to get her out as soon as possible.

"The only way to get Harper out of Eichen House is to get the key card working again," Scott explained to his girlfriend.

Liam frowned, "how are you gonna do that?"

"We're getting to that," Stiles snapped, frustrated, "just listen."

He turned the laptop on the table around so that everybody could see it.

"I pulled all of the history off of the key card. Two weeks ago, there was a brownout and the security system was rebooted. During a reboot, all of the key cards revert back to a default code. So, if we trigger a reboot..."

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