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Last night had ended both well and bad

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Last night had ended both well and bad.

For starters, Scott had attacked the Beast in front of about fifty students and ended up getting badly hurt, but the good news was that he had caught a scent on the creature and now they knew who it was. Harper was more than shocked to discover that it was Mason Hewitt of all people.

When she woke up the next morning, her body was aching. She stepped into the bathroom and peeled off her clothes, staring at herself in the mirror with a frown. Bruises went all up and down her arms, some on her stomach. She gently touched a particularly bad one on her abdomen, hissing out in pain.

Suddenly, the bathroom door swung open from Scott's side, but it was too late for him not to see anything.

"Scott!" She yelled while the werewolf cried out in surprise, quickly covering his eyes.

Harper grabbed a towel from the rack and quickly wrapped it around herself, thankful that at least she was still in her bra and underwear. She cursed herself for not locking his side of the door like always. She just thought he would be up by now.

Scott lowered his hand, a frown on his face. "Wait, did I see bruises?"

"It's from the needles," Harper shrugged solemnly, "not a big deal, Scott. Just forget about it. Pretend you never saw anything."

"I can't pretend," Scott's eyes softened and he stepped into the bathroom further. "You don't have to bottle everything up, Harper. You can talk to us- all of us. You haven't really told anyone what happened while you were there. Not even Stiles."

"No offence, Scott, but I'm not going to, either," the brunette shook her head, "I don't want to talk about what happened with anyone."

The alpha exhaled loudly through his nose, admitting defeat. He watched her cautiously as she picked up a hairband, tying her hair up into a bun through the mirror.

Scott began to back out of the bathroom, "I'm here for you, Harper."

Harper watched him solemnly as he began to shut the door. "I appreciate it," she murmured.

Once it was locked, she released a sad sigh and dropped the towel. The Empath squirmed as she pulled on some tights and a black skirt as well as a burgundy blouse that she had lying around in her wardrobe. She would only be wearing long sleeves for a while, considering the fact that she wanted nobody to question the bruising.

When she put her makeup on and stepped out, Scott was already heading downstairs with his helmet tucked firmly under his arm. Harper followed, her brows furrowing together when she heard talking coming from the kitchen.

"My dad's got an APB out," she heard Stiles announce as she and Scott walked into the kitchen.

Isaac scoffed, "for a 5'8 sixteen-year-old?"

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