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  Harper gulped, climbing from where she had been sprawled out across the floor. She looked around, her eyes widening when she realised she was in a playground. It wasn't like the one that had been at Beacon Hills Elementry, her primary school had been kind of run down and there was nothing to play with or on.

Just a cement floor with some benches and chalk to draw. Kids ran all around her, screaming and laughing. A small blonde girl with piggy tails almost bumped into her, making her flinch back, but she just carried on running past like she couldn't see Harper.

The sky matched the floor- a dreary grey colour with cracks that let some white sky come through. She guessed it was cold judging by the heavy winter coats over everybody's school uniform, but Harper couldn't feel it.

  Swallowing, the brunette looked around for the reason that she was here. She remembered this place vividly- it was where she spent the majority of her childhood. Harper dodged kids as she walked over to where she used to play with her small group of friends- a closed off area where there stood a lone tree growing out of some dirt.

  The roots were so thick and long that they grew underneath the playground floor, lifting it up and causing large dents. It didn't take her long to find herself. She had to be about six at the most, perched on top of one of the roots with some chalk in her hand.

  "Guess what this is!" Young-Harper laughed loudly, leaning down to draw a poor flower. Harper smiled at her younger self, folding her arms across her chest. Her voice was much higher and her accent was a lot thicker, having never even met an American person at that point in her life.

  The girls around her all crowded around, waiting for her to finish. Young-Harper scribbled to colour in the middle of the flower before looking up at her friends with an expectant grin. One of her front teeth was missing.

"It's a flower!" A little girl with the curliest, darkest hair shrieked, clapping her hands. "It's a flower!"

  "Marcy's right," Young-Harper clapped, handing her the white chalk.

  "This game is boring!" Exclaimed another girl.

Harper remembered this one's name. It was Megan, the same girl that had put gum in her school cardigan's pockets and laughed when she tripped in the lunch hall.

"Well, what do you suggest we do, Megan?" Little-Harper glared, making Real-Harper snort. The younger version of her had folded her arms across her chest.

"Let's go to the woods," Megan giggled mischievously, leaning in and lowering her voice so that nobody around them could hear. "There's a gap in the fence behind the tree, I saw it the other day when I was exploring."

  "No way," Young-Harper declared. "That's stupid and we'll get into trouble. Let's just keep on playing 'guess what I'm drawing'."

A blonde girl nodded, looking a little frightened at what Megan was suggesting. Megan's glare hardened.

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