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The past six months had been total bliss for Harper Verum. For the first time in two years, not a single supernatural occurrence had taken place— as long as you don't count last month when Liam Dunbar lost it on the full moon and ran around Beacon Hills stark naked.

In particular, the last three months had been the best. Unlike all of her previous summers, Harper didn't go back to England. Instead, she spent her first full summer in California. The heat was a lot, but she wasn't complaining.

She, Stiles Stilinski, and Scott McCall had all gone on a road trip to kickstart their vacation. While Kira and Malia had gone away, Isaac had straight up refused to spend hours in the jeep with Stiles, and Lydia 'didn't feel like it', so it was just the terrific trio— not that they were complaining.

Harper had never laughed as hard as she did for the week that they were away. With no supernatural threats looming over them, the three teenagers were as laidback as they had been before Scott was bitten by Peter Hale in the woods that night.

Now, all Harper had to remind her of the summer was the gorgeous tan on her skin and the polaroids that she had pinned to her notice board. The amount on it was excessive, lots from years ago being covered by new ones, but she didn't mind. She thought the clutter looked kind of nice against the rest of her room which was pretty pristine.

Today was the last day of summer vacation, and the weather matched her mood for it. The Empath couldn't remember the last time she saw a storm like this. No rain had fallen yet, but thunder and lightning did their thing in the sky and the wind had blown so hard that trees that had been in the ground for hundreds of years had tipped onto roads. Plus, the worst part— she had no service.

The Senior Scribe was at midnight, much to the bags under her eyes' dismay, and while she had considered skipping it, Stiles had insisted she didn't. In fact, he'd threatened to 'drag her cute ass out of bed' if he came over and found out she was asleep.

Harper was lounging around on her bed, Archie by her side. She stroked his red fur, frowning as she tapped the screen of her phone harshly, huffing when her text didn't send for the fiftieth time.

Isaac poked his head around the corner of her door, a small grin on his face as he held his helmet tucked under his arm.

"I'm going to go pick Malia up," he told her, "I'd offer to give you a ride to the school, but once I get her there won't be enough room on my bike."

Chuckling, Harper shook her head. "It's fine," she insisted, "Stiles and Scott are picking me up later anyway."

"Where'd they go?"

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