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I sat around the old smelly house for a couple hours until they came back. They walked around the house and got back in to there normal clothes. "Ava" Dean called me in there. "You Alright?" He asked and I nodded. "Just making sure. Were going out hunting for what ever is killing this people" Dean said and loaded his gun.

"Are you sure I can't come?" I asked and he didnt turned around. "I'm sure" he replied quickly. They got all of there stuff and they were off. I walked around the house and looked around. It started getting dark outside and the door busted open.

Sam and Dean carried in something with Bobby following behind them. "What the hell is that?" I asked and they set it on the table. "Were not sure" Sam told me. "Not the prettiest thing but it sure as hell is strong" Bobby said. "And it only took one bullet to bring it down. And not even a silver bullet, just a regular bullet bullet" Dean chuckled and Bobby looked at him.

We all looked at the thing and it hopped up. I jumped back and the 3 of them got there guns out and filled its chest with bullets. "You were saying?" I shook my head and Dean shrugged. "Let's check him for some ID" Dean reached in the pants pocket and pulled out a wallet and shook his head. "That's gonna ruin the leather" Dean shook his head and Sam grabbed it from him.

"Are you feeling ok boy?" Bobby asked Dean. "I feel great" Dean nodded. Bobby picked up a stick and poked it inside the dead guy. When he pulled it out, it was covered in black goo. "Maybe we should have a little look under his hood" Bobby commented. Sam and Bobby split the guy open and started to dig around inside him.

I almost barfed and I went in the kitchen with Dean. He poured him self some whiskey and took a sip. He looked at the brown liquid and then at me. He held the glass out toward me. "You want me to have it?" I asked him and he nodded. "Take a sip" he shrugged and I took the cup and took a small sip. I burned my throat and I coughed. "I dont like it" I shook my head and he laughed. He took the glass back walked out to where Sam and Bobby were.

"Are you guys hungry?" I heard him ask. The others didnt respond and Dean hummed. "I'm starving" he added. I walked out and Sam and Bobby were stilling digging in the guys stomach. They found some flesh a pine cone and a cats head. They talked about why it was so strong. "Seriously guys" Dean said and we all turned towards him. "Time for dinner?" He asked and Sam rolled his eyes. "Sure" Sam nodded.

They got cleaned up and Dean called my name. "Come on kid. You can come too" Dean told me and I nodded. We all got in the car and went to Bigersons. A restaurant in the town we were closet to. We sat down and Dean got a sandwich and Bobby got coffee. Sam and I weren't hungry.

Sam started to look up some stuff about this guy, and how he went missing 8 days ago. Sam looked at Dean and he was really loving his TDK slammer. "So dean. What do you think?" Sam asked. "I'm not that worried" Dean shook his head and took another bite of his sandwich.

"Excuse me?" Bobby asked shocked. "Weird thing is. I dont give two shakes of a rat's ass" Dean laughed and Sam looked around the room. Almost everyone was eating one of the sandwiches. "Give me that" Sam grabbed Dean's food from his hands. "What. No" Dean shook his head. "There is somthing wrong with this" Sam smelled the food and make a face.

We paid the bill and went home. We got to the kitchen and we put the slammer on a plate. "This is crazy the sandwich didnt do anything" Dean told us. "There is somthing wrong with you" Bobby told him.

"I fell great. Best I've felt in months. The black goo, Cas I dont care anymore." Dean shrugged and sat on the counter as Sam and Bobby deconstructed the sandwich. "And the best part is that I dont care, that I dont care" Dean shrugged. "I just want my damn slammer back" Dean wined.

"Dean your totally stoned. Just like ranger Rick was" Sam said. "Just like the people back at Bigersons. Everyone is loving the turducken" Bobby said and then the sandwich poured out some grayish goo. "I think you pissed off my sandwich" Dean's eyes got wide.

"Does that goo look familiar?" Bobby asked. "So what ever turned Gary is in the meat" Sam concluded. "If I wasnt so chilled out right now. I would puke" Dean nodded and smiled. Sam and Bobby thought it would be best if I stayed here while they went to go investigate.

I went to bed early and woke up the next morning. A whole day had passed and I hadn't heard anything from anyone. I stayed in the house and did nothing. I heard the car pull up and Dean got out. His eyes were red and one of his knuckles were bloody. "Ava!" He yelled as he walked in and turned to look around. "I'm right here. Are you ok?" I asked him and he nodded. "Time to go" he said as he walked out.

I didnt see Bobby when I got in the car. I didnt say anything to them because I knew something was wrong. We drove back to the cabin and I went straight to my room. Sam came in there a few minutes later and sat on the end of my bed. "Ava" he spoke quietly.

"Dont sugar coat it Sam. Hes dead" Dean stood in the door way and looked at me. My heart sank and I looked at both of them. "Bobby's dead" Dean spoke again.

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