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I read, ate and slept for a couple days. Dean texted and said they were done with the case and would be home tomorrow. I went to bed and woke up the next morning. I walked out and they boys weren't home. I got out my phone and dialed Dean's number then held it to my ear.

"Hello" he answered. "You guys ok?" I questioned. "Oh yes. Were fine. Cas found a lead on Metatron and were helping him out." He spoke. "I could help" I told him. "No. No that's ok were fine here. You need to rest up" he told me. "I'm fine" I rolled my eyes. "Ask Cas. He came over" I laughed and Dean was quiet for a moment. "Cas was at the bunker?" Dean asked.

"Oh oh. Of course he was I told him to go over there" Dean chuckled. "Alright we gotta go I'll talk to you later." He said and then hung up. I pulled the phone from my ear and shook my head. The next couple days were quiet and I went to bed the next night.


I woke up to really loud music. I grabbed the gun under my pillow and faced it toward the firgue in my room. The music stopped and I blinked a couple time to see that it was Dean. "Nice reflexes" he told me. "Are you crazy. I could have fucking shot you" I breathed and he nodded. "What time is it?" I asked.

"Early. Come on." He told me and he walked out and I laid back in my bed with gun in hand. "Holy shit" I sighed and felt my heart. I stood up and got dressed and walked out to the main part of the bunker. I saw Sam and Dean both standing there. Sam looked asleep just like I felt. "What's going on?" I asked and grabbed Sam's cup from him.

"Cas found somthing" Dean told me as I drank Sam's coffee. "What sort of somthing?" Sam asked. "He said he couldn't talk about it over the phone" Dean told us. "Why?" I asked. "Because hes werid. Hes a weird dorky little guy. But he also has an army of Angel's, and if were gonna take a shot at Metatron were gonna need his held" he sighed as he wrapped up the first blade.

"When did you get that?" I asked. "Oh yea. I killed Abaddon. Crowley has a son, and that's all the stuff you need to know" Dean told me and but the bag on his back and walked away. I looked at Sam and he shrugged. We all got in the car and drove to the place. We were suited up and it looked bad.

We got out and it looked like a building had exploded. We walked and found Cas. "6 people died and one angel" Cas told us. "One of yours?" Sam asked and Cas nodded sadly. "I knew he wanted war but this" Cas sighed. We left and Dean drove us to where Cas was set up with all his Angel's.

We went threw a secret door and walked down a hall way. "So your the leader?" I asked Cas and he nodded. "Seems that way yes" he nodded and we walked threw another set of door. Sam, Dean, and Cas walked threw and I was grabbed. "Hey hey!" Dean said and the two Angel's that grabbed me looked at Cas.

"Let her go shes with me" Cas nodded and I was let go. "Fuckin angels" I said under my breath and fixed my jacket. I walked behind hind the boys and all these Angel's were calling Cas Commander. We kept walking a woman came up to us. "Commander" she smiled at Cas. "Sam, Dean, Ava this is Hannah" Cas told us.

"The Winchesters. I've heard so much about you" she told us. "Sir this morning Josiah wasnt at roll call" Hannah said sadly. "Roll call?" I asked. "They like to hear me say there names" Cas told me and I covered my mouth and smiled. "I know a couple woman like that" Dean chuckled and Sam hit him and Hannah looked confused. 

"No one has seen Josiah since Ezra was murdered." Hannah frowned. "You think Josiah was the mole? The one on the inside?" Sam asked. "Well who else?" Hannah told Sam. "Weve searched the grounds and hes vanished" Hannah looked back to Cas.

"Not with wings" Dean said. "Which means he has to travel like a human. Walk, drive" Dean spoke. "Which means he would leave a trail" I nodded and Cas smiled at me. Sam sat down at a computer and started to look for the list angel. "Commander. I have somthing" another angel spoke. We all walked over and watched this video of the place we were just at.

Some guy walked in and had a symbol on his chest. "I do this for Castiel!" He shouted then plunged an angel blade in to the center of the symbol. "I'm gonna be sick" Cas stood up. "That was another angel. One of Metatrons" Hannah pointed at the screen. "So this was some kind of hit?" I asked.

"I dont know" Cas sighed. "Dont say that" Dean looked at Cas. "You cant think that I would allow something like this" Cas spoke firmly at Dean. "I know you try to be a good guy. You try" Dean nodded and I stepped inbetween them.

"What you got here is a freaking cult" Dean told Cas. "Dean." Cas said and I put a hand on Dean and Cas' chest to try to push them away from each other. "Last time you had this type of juice. You killed humans and angels" Dean accused him and I saw some Angel's looking at us.

"Stop" I demanded. "And the whole time you lied to Sam and I about everything" Dean spoke again. "Let's take this somewhere else" Sam suggested and I nodded. Sam and I walked behind Cas and Dean to an office. I shut the door and Dean and Cas looked pissed. "Stow the baggage Dean. We have a case. Let's work it" Sam spoke to them.

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