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I got my stuff and I walked out and the guys were putting stuff into boxes and I yawned.

"What time is it?" I asked them. "Half past 4" Dean told me and I blinked and rubbed my eyes.

"We got everything?" Dean asked and Sam nodded. We carried some boxes to the car and we started to drive. It was still dark and I rested my head against the window and I fell asleep.


I woke up and I wiped the drool off of my mouth and I sat up. We were still driving and I looked around and it was light out.

"Are we there yet?" I asked and wiped my wet hand on my pants. "Almost" Dean nodded. We got to a small cabin and we carried the boxes in.

"Charlie" Dean called. "Merry Christmas" I heard her say and I walked in and she had a sticky note stuck to her face and she was sitting in a chair.

"Hey" Dean spoke. "Were you followed?" She asked and stood up and hugged Dean. "No no" Dean shook his head and she hugged Sam.

"How are you feeling?" I asked and she smiled and hugged me. "I might have just passed out but better" She nodded and backed up. "Wheres the book?" Dean asked her.

"Ok. Here's what I've learned so far." Chalie spoke and backed up while we put the boxes down.

"About 700 years ago a nun locked her self away because she had visions of darkness. After a few decades alone she came out with this" Charlie said and picked up and old looking book.

"Each page is her cut off human skin and it's written in her blood" Charlie shuttered and handed the book to Dean.

Charlie started to talk while Dean turned the pages. "Its been used by cults and covens" Charlie told us and I saw Dean turning and walking backwards.

"Its some black magic" She spoke again. "Dean" Sam called. "Dean!" Sam yelled and Dean looked up and looked around.

He was now a few feet away from us and he closed the book. "Pretty sure I shouldn't touch this" Dean told us and walked over to Charlie and handed it to her.

"I'm gonna go get the rest of our crap" Dean spoke and walked out the door. "What the hell was that?" Charlie asked and looked at Sam and I.

"Hes not getting better" I sighed. "Hes trying to cover it up but. We gotta find the cure fast" Sam said and Charlie nodded and handed him the book. Dean came back in and we started to read. Sam found out that the unreadable text was also in code.

Charlie found out the family that was following her was crazy and would do anything for the book. We kept reading until it was dark out and every so often I would see Dean just staring at the book. Then he would blink and turn back to what he was doing. Day turned to night and back into day.

"I dont think we can crack this. It's way to old" Charlie sighed. "Its probably good" Dean nodded and we all looked at him as he held up the tattoo drawing Charlie gave him.

"The guys chasing you. All kinds of wrong" he told us. "The Styne Family. The Men of Letters have them dating back to the 1800's" Dean told us.

"Multi generation centuries old wrong. They create spells to make disease and destabilize markets. Hell they even helped the Nazi's before they came into power. Then they profited from all of it" Dean stood up and handed the files to Charlie and walked into the kitchen. "There bad so what?" Sam shrugged.

"Read the file Sam. They got there magic from a book of unspeakable evil. Then they lost it over 100 years ago" Dean walked back over to us.

"That book is evil. Once you use it, it unleashes evil in to the world. Like biblical evil." Dean shook his head. "What are you saying?" I asked. "We can't use the book" Dean sighed.

"What? Yes we can. Just let us translate it then-" "No Sam. That book has been calling to me. I can hear it, like its alive ever since I've been near it. It wants me to do evil" Dean started to raise his voice.

"So your giving up?" Charlie asked him. "No. I'm not giving up. Were just gonna have to find another way. We need to burn that. Or bury it somewhere" Dean told us.

"Then what? I cant watch you become a demon again Dean" Sam yelled. "This is my cross to bear. I'll just have to live with it for as long as I can" Dean spoke and started to get quieter.

"Now we need to destroy it before it falls in to the wrong hands. Including mine" Dean told us and we all stood there for a second.

"I'm going for a drive. Charlie we forgot to get your snacks" Dean spoke and grabbed his jacket. "Dean-" "Look Sam we will find another way" Dean nodded and walked out.

"Sam. Maybe hes right" Charlie said quietly. "No" Sam shook his head. Charlie Sam and I sat around and tried to decode the book but we got nothing.

It got dark outside and Dean came in throw the door, breathing heavily. "What's going on?" I asked and we all stood up. "The Styne Family. They found me" he spoke and shut the door.

"The book has a cure for the Mark" Dean said and grabbed the case that had the book in it. "But it comes at a price. We have to destroy it" Dean handed the case to Sam.

"Are you sure about this?" Sam asked him. "Its calling to me. Its calling to the Mark. It wants me to take it and run" Dean said in a hurry and shoved the box in to Sams hands.

"Burn it now" Dean told him and there was some noise outside. Charlie and I stood by a window and Dean stood by the other as Sam bent down to the fire.

Some one jumped in the window and tackled Dean and then I was knocked to the ground. I looked up and saw a guy and saw Charlie on the floor as well. I stood up and punched the guy and Charlie cut his stomach. Then he fell to the floor and we looked over at Dean.

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