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I sat there in my bed for almost 3 hours. I thought about ways around this shit and I finally found away.

"Dean!" I stood up and I ran down the hall. "Sam! Dean!" I yelled and they both stood up as I ran in to the room. "What are you ok? Are you bleeding" Dean asked and held my shoulders and looked at me. "Yes I'm fine" I pulled away and they looked at me.

"Your such a dad" Sam smiled and Dean rolled his eyes. "Listen to me" I told them and they look at me again. "I know how to get a demon" I told them and they looked intrested. "How?" Sam asked.

"Crowley wants the tablet right? And Crowley is a demon" I told them and they nodded. "Mmhh. Where is this going?" Dean asked. "When we give the tablet to him and we trap him" I say.

"Then we give up nothing, we have a demon and he stops killing people" I told them and they looked at each other. "Your a God damn genius" Sam told me and I smiled.

"Tell me somthing I dont know" I shrugged and they both smiled. "I'm gonna call Kevin you get a hold of Crowley" i told them and went back to my room. I grabbed my phone and called Kevin.

"Ava?" He answered. "Sweet of you to remember" I scoffed. "What do you need?" He asked. "What if I just wanted to talk? How was your day?" I asked him and i heard him chuckle. "Boring yours?" He asked.

"Pretty suck ass. Crowley wants us to deal with him" I said sadly. "What happened?" He asked. "Crowley is killing some one every 12 hours until we hand over the demon tablet and stop the trials" I sighed. "So you need the demon tablet?" He asked.

"I'm sorry to say that I do" I spoke and he sighed. "I'll text you an address. Meet me and I'll give it to you" he told me. "Kevin" I said quickly. "Thank you" I told him and the line went dead.

I got a text and I walked back to the main part and Sam and Dean were sitting there with a smile. "Got it done?" Dean asked and I nodded. "Amazing. Where are we going?" Dean asked and they both stood up.

"I'll drive" I held out my hand and Dean laughed. "Funny. One master plan does not give you the right to drive" he told me and we all walked out. We got in the car and I told him the address and we started to drive.

We met Kevin on an empty road and he was digging up the tablet. We walked over to him and he put the two pieces of the tablet together. "Are you sure this is going to work?" Kevin handed me the tablet. "What choice do we have" I shrugged.

"Alright listen. This is a secret lair. So no keggers" Dean handed Kevin the key to the bunker. "I dont have any friends" Kevin took the key and put it in his pocket. "Uum ouch" I said and he smiled. "Just lay low" Dean told him and he nodded.

"You'll be a mathlete again before you know it" Dean told him and Dean Sam and I turned and started to walk back to the car. "You guys are doing the right thing" Kevin told us and we all looked back at him.

We all nodded and got back in the car and started to drive. We drove back to Bobby's old place and got out. We all looked around and it was quiet for a moment. "Hello boys" I heard Crowley and we all turned and he was there. "And Ava" he added.

"What's that old saying. Success has many fathers. Failure is a Winchester" he chuckled. "Wheres the stone?" He asked. "You show us yours and we'll show you ours" Dean countered. "Really Dean.  I'm trying to conduct a professional negotiation and you wanna talk dangly bits. The stone" Crolwey demanded.

"I took a step forward and started to pull it from my jacket pocket. "Woah woah woah. Slowly" Crolwey told me and I pulled it out and he nodded. "There she is" he smiled and I put it back. Crowley opened his coat and the tablet was there.

"And the contract?" Dean asked. Crowley pulled out a scroll and flung it out and it was a couple feet long. "Oh yea I'm sure theres no hidden agendas in there" Dean rolled his eyes.

"Highlights. We swap tablet and you stop doing the trails" Crowley said and looked at me. "And you stop killing everyone weve saved" Sam spoke. "Agreed" Crowley nodded and Dean pulled out a pen, clicked it, and walked toward the end of the paper.

"I dont think so" Crowley pulled the paper back. "Shes doing the trials, she needs to sign" Crowley pointed at me and Dean looked at me. "No no no. Shes not signing anything until I read the fine print" Dean shook his head.

"I can read it" I rolled my eyes and grabbed the pen. "Ava" Dean put his arm up and we looked at each other. "Helicopter parenting isn't good for the child or the adult" Crolwey laughed. "Dean picked up the paper and started to read.

He got close to Crowley and all Crowley did was smile and stand there. Just you wait. "Your really gonna move your lips all the way up here" Crowley scoffed and laughed. "You know why I always defeat you. It's your humanity. It's a built in handy cap" Crowley shrugged.

Dean looked up at him. "Let's have her sign it now shall we" Crowley asked and they looked at me and I walked up. Dean looked at me and I nodded once and he slapped the cuffs on Crowley.

"Are you serious?" Crowley asked and dropped the paper. "You realize all I have to do" Crowley snapped his fingers and nothing happened. He looked at us and frowned.

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