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After talking Dean was sat on the edge of the bed bouncing his leg. He wanted to leave but I changed his mind when I fell asleep on one of the beds.


I woke up in the back of the car. I sat up and looked around, and saw some people. Looked like a campus of some sort. The boys came back after a few and got in the car.

"Where are we?" I asked and laid my head on the back of there seat. "Not important, but were going to Iowa. Sam thinks he found Kevin" Dean told me and we pulled out of the lot and started to drive. We drove for a bit and stopped at a coffee shop.

"I'll be right back. You two stay" Dean told Sam and I and he shut the door. It was quiet for a minute and we both shifted in our seats. "Ava" Sam said quietly. "Dont Sam." I stopped him and he turned around and looked at me.

"No I gotta say something" he told me. "I get it. You thought your brother was dead. You had no one" I nodded and crossed my arms. "I didnt say that. But I knew I couldnt-" "couldnt take care of me because I remind you of Dean" I cut him off again. "Yea" he nodded.

"Did it ever occur to you that I lost my only family when you left. I could have been there for you" I shouted and felt a lump start to form in my throat. "I know. I know!" He shouted back and pushed his hair back. "I should have never left you there" he shook his head.

"That's right" I huffed and looked out the window. It was quiet again and then Dean got in and looked at both of us. I wiped my face and we started to drive with out another word. We drove down some back roads and got to an abandoned church.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked as we got out. "The guy at the coffee shop swears hes seen Kevin duck in here" Dean shrugged and we walked to the front of the church. Sam knocked on the door and Dean pulled out his lock pick.

"Kevin. It's the Winchesters open up" Sam said and shook his head at Dean. Dean picked the lock and the doors swung open. We walked in and rounded the corner and water was shot at us. "Were not Levithans" Dean said and I looked up and saw Kevin. His hair was buzzed short and he looked on edge.

"What the hell happened to you guys?" Kevin asked. "Cliff notes. I went to Purgatory, Ava was abandoned, and Sam hit a dog" Dean told him. Kevin told us what happen to him after he was taken by Crowley.

There was another Word Of God. The demon tablet. Something about hell gates and then he escaped I wasn't really listening. Then he said closing the gates of hell forever, and he knew how. The boys walked outside and I wandered around the church.

We all ended back up in the main part of the building. The ground started to rumble and then it broke the floor broad. "Here Sam" Dean handed him the knife and he pulled out a huge ass sword. "What about Ava?" Sam asked and I pulled out my angel blade.

"Where did you get that?" Dean asked shocked. The doors busted open before I could answer and two demons walked in. They ran at us and Kevin sprayed one with holy water and I stabbed him. Sam killed the other and we stood up.

"Hello boys" I saw Crowley apper with some girl standing beside him. "Dean. Looks like purgatory didnt do you any favors. Wheres your angel?" Crowley asked and looked around us. "Ask your mother" Dean shot back. "Theres that grade school zip I missed" Crowley nodded and looked at Sam.

"Moose" he nodded and then looked at me. "Let Channing go" Kevin demanded. "That's not Channing any more" Dean spoke up. "Kevin. Last time we danced. You took my tablet and killed my men. Let's say you come with me and we can be bygones. I'll even ket the girl go" Crowley said and Kevin looked at Channing.

"I'll do it. My self for the girl" Kevin nodded. "We can let you do that" Dean told him. "Or what. You'll kill me?" Kevin asked. "Let me go get my stuff" Kevin told him and walked the other way. We stood there and the boys glared at Crowley. "Chins up." Crowley smiled.

"Come in Kevin. Chop chop!" Crowley yelled and took a step forward. Dean pulled me aside and let him walked pass. "What the hell are we gonna do" I whisper shouted and hit the both of them. They didnt answer me and we just stood there until we heard Kevin yell. "Sam, Dean, Ava. Run!!" Kevin yelled and we sprinted toward the door and out to the car.

We got in and Kevin was right there. I looked out the window and saw Crowley break the girls neck and she fell to the ground as we drove away. We kept driving in silence in to the day light hours. We stopped at a little gas station and parked. "Anyone want anything?" Dean asked and Kevin was quiet.

"How you holdin up" Dean asked and turned around to look at Kevin. "Great. The king of hell just snapped my girlfriends neck." Kevin huffed and looked at them. "Look Kev. I'm sorry she died. I really am, but your in it now and you have to get over it. I'm hittin the head" Dean got upset and then got out if the car.

We got some gas and drove over to the nearest food place. We got some food and sat down at a table outside. "I was wondering" Kevin looked up and Sam and Dean. "What?" Dean asked. "Can we swing by and check on my mom?" Kevin asked quickly.

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