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We got to the outer town of where Jody lives and got suited up and parked and got out. "Hey boys" she smiled as she saw them and hugged them. "Ava?" She asked and I smiled and she hugged me. "Its been for ever since I've seen any of you" she smiled.

"So what's up?" Dean asked her. "Someone saw a guy lift an SUV to grab a girl." Jody shook her head. "And this matches the other abductions how?" I asked her. "String evidence. Literally" Jody said and the boys pulled out the other victims files. "First was a pastor." Sam said.

"Yep the door of the study was punched in. And the next an engaged couple." Jody nodded. "Locked window was knocked in" Dean said. "And then the waitress with the rolled over car" Jody said. "Anything else connecting them?" I asked and she nodded. "They were all apart of the good faith church" Jody nodded.

"You sure your ready to jump back in to this stuff?" Dean asked Jody. "The more I know the better armed I'll be" he told him and Dean nodded. "Missing church people and super strength. Could be Angel's getting vessels" I said. "Wha- Angel's?" Jody asked. "Dont get to excited. They suck" Dean sighed.

"You said there was a witness?" Sam asked and Jody nodded. We talked to the witness and he said there was a blue light not white. So we ruled out Angel's. We walked to the car and we all stopped. "Jody you said they were all apart of the same church?" Sam asked and she nodded.

"Ready to get your worship on" Dean asked and looked at Sam and I. "You guys go on ahead" I told them and walked over to  Jody. "Jody and I will get a motel room and you can tell us all about church when your done" I smiled and Jody laughed.

"Alright" Dean nodded and I got in Jody's truck and we drove to the nearest motel and got a room and I flopped in the bed and she sat at the table and typed on her computer. "So how have you been?" She asked me and I sat up and nodded. "Pretty good" I shrugged and she nodded.

"You?" I asked her. "Good. Stuff has been crazy" she told me and I nodded. "I know that feeling" I laughed and stood up and shrugged off my jacket. "Holy-" she gasped and I looked at her. "What? What is it?" I asked. "You have a tattoo does Dean know?" She asked and I laughed.

"Hes the one that paid for it" I laughed and slid my fingers over my forearm over my tattoo. "Its an anti possession tattoo. They both have it as well" I told her and she nodded and put a hand to her heart. "Last time I saw you, Dean would barely let you out of the house. He was so scared of losing you" she said and I nodded.

"They started letting me help on more cases and then Bobby died and then we killed Dick Roman and Dean and Cas went to Purgatory" I sighed. "What happened with you and Sam?" She asked and I laughed. "I went out on my own for a year and hunted and went to jail and did some crazy stuff before the cops put me in an orphanage" I told her.

"Sam met some lady but it didnt work out. A year passed and we were all back together and things were back to normal I guess?" I shrugged and sat back on the bed. "To normal?" She asked and I nodded. "You could have come to me. I would've helped" she told me and I smiled and shrugged.

"Its fine. I'm glad I had a year to my self. I became a better hunter" I smiled and she laughed a bit. "Dean let me drive his baby the other week" I told her and she raised here eye brows. "Do you ever talk about your mother?" She asked me and I looked down.

"Theres not much to talk about" I shrugged and laid on the bed again. We were both quiet after that and I heard her typing on the computer. A while later the door opened Sam walked in. "How was church?" Jody laughed. "Turned in to more of a confessional. Two of our vics did the dirty. The pastor and the girl who was just taken" Sam said and I sat up.

"Did you think it was dragons too?" I asked him and he nodded. "The two others did it too" Jody said. "So not dragons" I sighed and Sam smiled. "Its taking people who have broken there chasity promise" Sam said. "Wheres Dean?" I asked. "Oh that's another thing. Dean and I are officially virgins again" Sam smiled and Jody and I looked at each other.

"But me?" I said and Sam laughed. "We had to join this whole group and re-claim out virginity" Sam shook his head. "Dean went home with the teacher" Sam added and Jody rolled her eyes. We ruled out dragons and Sam kept trying to call Dean but he wouldnt answer. Jody and I even tried calling him but again no answer.

What Sam finally did get him on the phone he seemed out of wack. Sam told him it wasnt a dragon and Dean just hung up on him. About an hour past and Sam stood up. "What?" I asked. "This thing is taking people who break there vows. Dean and Suzy have been over there for an hour" Sam held up his phone.

Jody and I stood up and I got on my jacket and we followed Sam outside. "Wait wait" I said and they stopped and looked back at me. "You guys go I'm gonna stay here and see what I can find" I told them and they nodded and I walked back inside and sat at Sam computer and started to type. I found out what was taking the people.

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