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I waited by the door and the boys soon joined me. "Charmed I'm sure" Dean scoffed. "Who are these people" he spoke. We walked over to the butler and he looked at me. The boys looked at me then back to him.

"Just the two of you" he told them and my jaw dropped. Dean looked at me and then back to the room. "No way" I shook my head. "Now" he pointed and I huffed. "Now" I mocked as I walked back. I got in the room and the glanced at me and I walked over and poured my self a Scotch.

"Arent you a little to young to have a grown up drink." Dash asked me and smiled. "How old are you anyway?" The older dude, Stan, asked and looked at me. "Old enough to know better. . .but young enough to function extremely well without viagra" I told him and his jaw dropped and I saw one if the woman laugh.

"You cant talk to me that way" he stomped his foot. "Just did" I sighed and took a drink and leaned against another wall.

"Come on Ava" Dean called me and I lifted up the glass and set it on the table and walked out. "So what did we get?" I asked. "This" Dean handed it back to me. It was a first with some red gems.

"Real?" I asked. "Not sure. That's where where going" Sam spoke and I handed it up to Dean. We drove to the pawn shop and gave it to the guy to look at.

"Fake" he told us and handed it back. "What do you mean fake? The old bag was rolling in it" Dean told him. "Well it looks like the old bag has a soft spot for fake rubies" the guy said and Dean groaned.

"But it is a key" he said and pointed to the end and Sam took it off and there was a couple notches in it. "Key to what?" Sam asked Dean and I. "Ask Jeeves" Dean spoke and walked to the car. Sam and I looked at each other and we walked out after him. We drove back to the house and walked up and the fancy door bell played.

The butler opened the door and didnt look to happy. "Everything ok?" Dean asked and he sighed. "Not really" he shook his head. He stepped out of the way and we walked in. "I assume you left somthing here. I'll look through the front closet" he told us.

A bald guy walked up to us and looked at Sam and Dean and then me. "Were you three here earlier today?" He asked. "Who wants to know?" Dean asked. The guy moved his jacket and I saw a badge and a gun. "Dective Howard. New Cannon PD" he told us.  "Congratulations. You 3 are now murder suspects" he smiled.

"Sorry what?" Dean asked. "Bunnys brother Stanton was killed this evening" he told us sadly. "And you think-" "I dont know what to think" he cut Dean off.

"That's why you and anyone else that stepped in this house today is being detained for questioning." He nodded and I sighed quietly. Sam, Dean and I walked to the open room and there was some yelling.

"Your off your rocker old lady!" Dash yelled and the older woman looked at Sam and Dean. "I'm 39" Heedy gasped. "And you have been since '03" Dash rolled his eyes. "How dare you" she gasped. "Who are we accusing?" I asked. "The town slut Amber. She killed Stan" Heddy stomped her foot.

"What's her motive?" Dash asked. "Everyone knows she was sleeping around. But she couldnt have him because her prenup was ironclad. She killed him." Heddy told us.

"Seems logical" Dean said. "Unless you believe that ridiculous lie shes been telling. That a ghost killed Stan" Heddy rolled her eyes and huffed.

"A ghost?" Sam asked. "Shes claiming that Bunnys late husband killed Stan" Heddy told us. "Its pathetic. So stupid" Heddy turned to Dash and I walked out of the room. Sam and Dean followed and we all stood in the stairwell.

"A case?" I asked and they nodded. "Vengeful spirit but we cant get to the car" Dean sighed. "Guess old fashion way it is." Sam sighed. "Cold spots. You stay here. Ava and I will look around" Dean nodded at Sam. Sam walked back in and I went a separate way from Dean.

I looked around and saw some old stuff but I didnt feel any cold spots or see ghosts. I kept looking around upstairs but couldnt find anything. I turned down a hall and heard some voices.

"Come on Sammy. Dont be coy" I turned the corner and saw Beverly and Sam. Sam saw me and his eyes shouted help-me.

I walked over there and Beverly seemed upset. "Sam I need your help . .um not here" I told him and Beverly huffed as I dragged Sam away.

"Thank you" he sighed and I laughed. "Did Dean find anything?" I asked and we stopped. "That key that Bunny gave us goes to a secret attic" he told me and I scrunched my forehead.

"Why would Bunny give Bobby that?" I asked and he shrugged. "But Dean found Collette and Olivia in their" he told me. "Clown college Collette?" I asked and he nodded.

"But shes dead. Olivia told Dean that the butler locked her in there. We have to find him" Sam told me and I nodded.

"Ok I'll look up here again and you go down stairs" I told him and he nodded and walked down the steps. I looked around and then went down stairs. I walked in the kitchen and saw the boys and the butler, dead on the counter.

"Uumm" I said and turned to them. "Its a shifter" Dean told me. "It loves to play dead. First Bunny then Lance then the butler" Dean spoke and I walked over to them.

"It just shed so it could be anyone" Dean sighed and looked at Sam and I. "We gotta find some silver" I nodded and we stood there for a second.

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