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"Alright get up. Get up" Dean said and dragged him up. "All you do is die? What the hell does that mean?" Sam asked. "What's your name" I asked him and he looked at me. "Shane, and I die once a day for as long as I can remember. Then after a few hours in back" he said and rapped the sheet around his tighter.

"Alright well your gonna come with us so we can run some tests" Dean told him and he looked scared. "Tests?" He asked and Dean nodded and grabbed his arm. We got him in the car and to a hotel room and in to some clothes.

We cut his arm with a silver knife and made him drink holy water. But he was fine. He went into the bathroom and I turned to the guys. "He seems fine here maybe we should get another room until we know what's goin on" Sam said.

"Yea sounds good to me" Dean nodded and Shane came out. "Hey you should stay here. Were gonna figure out what the hell is going on" I told him and he looked at the guys then me and nodded. "Alright" he nodded and the three of us walked out.

We went and got some food and the sun went down as we ate. "Ava you have any clue what this is. What he is?" Dean asked me and I shook my head. "The books I've read have nothing like this" I shook my head.

After we were done eating we went back to Shane's room and I sat in the back seat and put my journal away. I got out and saw Sam fall down the steps. "Sam" I called and ran up the steps. I saw Shane with a blade at some ladies face and then she disappeared into thin air.

"Who the hell was that?" I asked. "Where did you learn those moves?" Dean asked him and Shane started to breath heavy. "I dont know. I've never been in a fight before" he started to breath even heavier and he fell to the floor.

"Hes having a heart attack" I told the boys and started to run over to Shane but Dean caught my arm. "Ava stop" Dean insisted and Shane coughed and gasped for air until he died 6 seconds later. "Holy shit" I said and Dean let go of me.

We put Shane on the bed and Sam and Dean sat on the bed as I paced the room. In the early morning hours there was a knock at the door. Some lady claimed that Shane was the father to her child, and she wanted his corpse.

I took the little boy and we sat on the swings as Dean and Sam talked to the lady. "I'm Ava" I told him and he looked over at me but didnt say anything. "Oliver" his mom called him over and I turned around and saw Shane walk over and the woman and Oliver walk over to him.

"Hailey" Shane said and I walked over there. "I thought it was time you two meet. This is Oliver" Hailey spoke and they talked and went over to the swings. I sat on the steps as Dean stood and drank some coffee. Sam came out and I stood on the last stair so i was there height.

"So about the curse. Looks like this guy is a titan" Sam told us. "Like a God?" Dean asked. "The gods before the gods. Titans ruled over Greece before Zeus and all them" Sam spoke again and I looked over at Shane.

"So who is he?" I asked. "Best I can tell it's Prometheus" Sam nodded. "Didnt he like steal fire or somthing?" Dean asked and Sam nodded. "Yea actually. He stole it and Zeus put him on the mountain and made him live death everyday for forever" Sam shook his head.

"No wonder his hard drive if fried. What about the girl that attacked him?" I asked. " I'm guessing Zeus' daughter, Artemus. Shes been know to carry around weapons like that" Sam said.

They got Shane inside to tell him what was going on and I watched Oliver play and Haiely stood outside with me. "Hes adorable" I told her and she smiled. "Your Dean's daughter arent you?" She asked me. "How did you know?" I asked her.

"You look like him, and he always keeps an eye on you even when your not looking" she smiled and I watched Oliver climb on to some rocks. "Can you watch him for a second I've gotta go inside and talk to Shane" she told me and I nodded. She smiled and walked inside.

Oliver smiled as he climbed on the rocks and in an instant he slipped and fell. I gasped and ran over to him. The whole side of his head was bleeding and I picked him up as tears welled in my eyes. "Holy shit. Holy shit" I breathed out and ran him in to the room.

"Call 911" I cried as i kicked open the door. "What happened?!" Dean asked alarmed. "No dont hes fine" Hailey spoke softly and I laid him on the bed. "Hes not fine. He hit his head on a rock" I told her and my hands were shaking and she grabbed my shoulders.

"Hes gonna be ok. It's not your fault" she told me and she wiped my tears from my cheek. "He has your curse" Dean said and looked at Shane. "What curse?" Hailey asked and I walked away from the dying child and tried to steady my breathing.

"Go outside. Your gonna be ok" Dean told me as I was still shaking and he opened the door and I stepped outside. He closed the door and I sighed as I sat on the steps. I wiped my eyes and shook my head.

They all walked out and Shane was carrying Oliver. "Were going back to the bunker" Dean told me and we all walked to the car. We got in and we started driving.

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