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Sam and I followed the cop and we looked around. "This stuff is creepy" he told me and I nodded and he picked up a squirrel wearing a dress. We looked threw some stuff, but  couldn't find anything so we walked back over to Dean.

"So we have a killer who is looking for animal parts" Dean said as we walked away from other people. "We got a pagan symbol and a human pretzel" Dean spoke again and we nodded.

"Sounds to witchy for my liking" I told them. "Well let's keep digging. But not here" Dean said and looked up at an owl. "I dont like the way that ones lookin at me" Dean shook his head. We walked out and got a motel room.

Sam started to do some research and told us the symbol that I took a picture of was from a company. "It's a local animal rights company. S.N.A.R.T." he said and showed us both. "It would make since that the animal lovers have a problem with a  Taxidermist" I said.

"Why? There already dead" Dean said. "But Hunters are what keep them in business" Sam spoke. "Question is are they witches or just hippies" Sam sighed. "What's the difference?" Dean shrugged. We all got back in the car and drive to the vegan bakery with the same symbol.

We walked in and Dean shook his head. "I knew I would find the source of evil at a vegan bakery" He shook his head and I looked around. I saw two workers with sun glasses on.

"You know who where's sun glasses inside?" I asked and they looked over at them. "Blind people. And douche bags" Dean nodded and we all walked over to the counter.

"Olivia and Dylan Camrose" Sam said as we got to the counter. "That's us" the woman and the man with sun glasses stood in front of us. "You two are members of S.N.A.R.T?" Dean asked. "CO founders and presidents actually" the woman nodded. 

"We're here to investigate they death of Max Alexander the local taxidermist" I told them and we pulled out our badges. "Hes. Dead?" The woman asked. "Yea did you know him?" Dean asked and she shrugged.

"Its a small town" she shrugged again and smiled. "Well he was murdered last night and the S.N.A.R.T. logo was found there. You two wouldnt know anything about that would you?" Sam asked. They looked at each other and we had them sit at a table with us.

"You know how hunters are. They define themselves by what they kill" the guy told us. "And as animal rights advocates we couldnt stand for that" the woman stood her head. "So you killed him?" I asked. "Of course not. S.N.A.R.T. does not tolerate violence" the woman shook her head.

"Says the one who spray paint a death threat" Dean nodded. "Its was a scare tactic. We just wanted to spook him." The guy told us. "Turns out we were the ones who got spooked" she said sadly. "What does that mean?" Sam asked and they looked at each other.

"Last night when we were there tagging the joint we heard this noise" the woman started to tell us. "A hissing noise" the guy added in and the girl nodded. "We got scared and ran into the ally. Some one jumped us and sprayed us with mace." The girl sighed.

"And it's not like we could go to the cops" he shook his head. "And now we look like total douche bags because we have to wear our sunglasses inside" she sighed. They took there glasses off and around there eyes was red and sunken in. We thanked them and went back to the motel.

I took Sam's computer and did some research and found out some stuff. "What happened to there faces is not caused by mace" I said and they both walked over. "Blunt force or venom" I said and pointed to where the words were on the screen.

"Venom as in snake?" Dean asked and nodded. "The guy was squeezed to death and that couple heard hissing" I nodded. "So what are we lookin at. Some freaky ass snake monster?" Dean asked and sat at the table across from me. "I thought snakes only did one. Only used venom or only constricted" Sam said and I nodded.

"Ok then some really powerful ass snake monster" Dean nodded. "Its could be a vatala?" Sam said. "No the first vic was bite free" I said and they sighed. "Well we can call Kevin and see if he can look some stuff up" Dean nodded and drank his beer.

Dean called Kevin and they said they were gonna get some sleep. "Dean's phone started to ring at around 6 and I grabbed it and went outside. Some one else was killed. I let the boys sleep and I got suited up and took the impala. I drove to the pet shelter and saw some kid had been scratched up and bleed out.

A cop told me that all the cats had gone missing as well. I looked at some of the dogs and stopped. I saw the dog that the taxidermist owned. So he had been at both crime scenes. A cop walked over and the dog started to bark. "If you need anything else just let me know" he said and took his hat off and the dog stopped barking.

"Thanks" I nodded and he put his hat back on and the dog started to bark again. "Wait" I called and he turned back around. "Can I see your hat?" I asked and as he took it off the dog didnt bark and when I put it on the he did bark and I took it off and he didnt.

I looked back at the cop and nodded and gave him his hat back. "Good luck getting adopted" he cop shook his head and put his hat back on and started to walk away. I looked at the dog and thought maybe instead of the killer he was a witness.

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