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"Were sorry. We got held up" Sam told me and I nodded. I ended up falling asleep in the car from the quiet raido


When I woke up in was in a bed covered up. "Good your awake" I heard Sam's voice. "I need your help" he told me and waved me over. I groaned and stood up and walked over to him and sat at the small table across from him.

Sam started talking to me about the case and I was half listening just nodding my head. "Wheres Dean?" I asked him and he looked up. "Out" he sighed and I nodded. "Can you do me a favor" I asked him and he looked at me. "Yea. Of course" he nodded. "Pick up when I call. You guys literally left me by my self for 7 days. The longest alone I spent before that was 3 hours when my mom went on a date" I told him and he nodded.

"We are sorry about that. We promise to take you with us" he nodded. "We?" I laughed. "What?" Sam asked. "Just seems like Dean has better things to do than look after me" I shrugged. "I dont want you to take this the wrong way but, he does have better stuff to do." Sam nodded. "But he knows your strong enough to leave you alone. You should be proud of yourself" Sam told me and I shrugged.

"I guess, but if I'm coming along with you guys shouldn't I know how to hunt?" I questioned him. "I think you should but it might take Dean some time to fully except the fact that your in the life now" Sam leaned back in his chair. I stood up and yawned. "I'm going back to bed" I streached and he nodded and I walked back over to the bed and laid down, closing my eyes.


I woke up to a door slamming. I jumped up and grabbed the knife under my pillow and pointed it out in front of me. "Its just me calm down killer" I heard Sam chuckled and I rubbed my eyes and looked at him. "How long have you been sleeping?" He asked and I put the knife away.

"Since I fell asleep last night" I told him and streached. "Wheres Dean?" I asked and looked around. "He had to go back to Lidia's to get his flask" Sam said and stopped. "I mean he just went out for a drink. He'll be back" Sam nodded. "Lidia huh" I nodded. "I dont care. Hes aloud to bang anyone he wants. My moms dead" I shrugged. "That's not the point and he shouldnt. Sorry for telling you" he frowned and again I shrugged.

Sam left a few minutes after that and I sat in one of the chairs. After a few houre the boys came in. "The baby was talking" Dean insisted. "And not like baby talk. Like sentences" He spoke again and grabbed two beers out of the fridge. "Dean maybe we shouldnt talk about that right now" Sam whispered and they both looked over at me and I looked back at the tv.

"You guys talk about what ever. I'm just watchin tv" I told them. I heard Sam laugh and Dean sat across from him. They started to whisper so I couldnt hear. A phone started to ring and Sam said hello. "Who is it?" Dean demanded. "Its the professor sshh" Sam stood up and talked into the phone. After 40 seconds the call ended and they were back out the door.

They both came in later that night and crashed on the beds. I fell asleep in the chair and woke up before them too. Dean brought in some boxes and told me to help him look threw the books. He drew a symbol on a piece of paper and told me to show him anything that looks like it. "I know I saw this book of crazy last time" Dean shook his head and put some books in the bed.

"Would it have killed him to have a system?" Dean sighed. "There is a system. The files are like his brain" Sam laughed. Sam started talking about Amazon people and how they only needed men to produce other woman. How they lived a secret life with just them selves. "Seems right to me" I said under my breath and looked up. They didnt say anything back and I kept looking through books. "I also read a book on this stuff" I told them and they both looked at me.

"What? When?" Sam asked. "Back at Bobby's. I had a bunch of time. I read something about them producing pretty quick so they could kill of the males. They do it and then give birth the next day or something" I said and flipped through pages. "That's crazy. Why didnt you tell us?" Dean asked. "You didnt ask?" I shrugged. "And the other vics are said to have hooked up before there death" Sam told us.

"The same bar I met Lidia" Dean stood up. "Yea" Sam nodded slowly. "And now she suddenly has a kid?" Dean threw his hands up. "That kid turns into a little girl just as fast" Dean shook his head. "That would mean-" Sam started. "Dont say it" Dean warned him. "That kid could be yours" I said and they both looked at me. "I said dont say it" Dean sighed. "Trying to replace me already wow" I smiled and they both cracked a smile.

"But seriously Dean. A one night stand your just gonna roll the dice like that? I like being an only child" I told him and he shook his head. "No I'm not stupid" Dean defended him self. "Accidents do happen" he insisted. "One could have. . No. No way" he shook his head. "And were gonna stop talking about this because it's making my skin crawl and my kid is right there" Dean pointed at me.

"But if it's true and it did happen" Sam spoke. "I know I know. I better hold on to my hands and feet" Dean said and took a drink out of a flask.

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