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"Ava?" Dean said and I stood up and put the paper in my pocket. "I can do this" I nodded and they both looked worried. I walked out and sat in the back of the car. I laid down and passed out.


I woke up and we were still driving. I sat up and looked around, but it was still dark outside. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Help a friend." Dean told me. "Friend?" I asked. "He saved our lives once, so I figured we owed him one" Sam told me and he pulled in to a hotel.

We all walked in and I sighed. "I miss the bunker" I said and sat in one of the chairs. "I'm goin on a beer run anyone want anything?" Dean asked and they both glanced over at me. "Nah. I'm good" I said. "Are you sure? Cause you did just kill a hell hound." Dean told me and I sighed again.

"Yea and I said I was fine" I told him. "You also said you were fine when you broke your arm and didnt tell anyone for a week" Dean crossed his arms. "I really am ok?" I nodded.

"If your not we could always find another pooch and I could" Dean clicked his tounge and slid his thumb across his throat. "What ever you two are worried about. Stop" I told them and stood up. "Ok" Dean nodded and put his hands up and they both walked out and I heard the car start.

I sat on the bed and then I heard some scratches at the door. I walked over and opened it, and I saw a dog with a red collar on. She wined and then ran in the room. "Wait wait" I said and she jumped on the bed and I looked outside then closed the door.

"Nice doggy?" I asked and stuck my hand out to her. She sniffed then licked my hand. "Cool" I smiled and started to pet her. "Dean isnt gonna be happy your rolling on his bed" I smiled and then I heard the car pull up. I ran to the door and shut it behind me.

They both walked up and gave me a weird look. "Ok. This is gonna be weird, but she just showed up and shes so cute and friendly. Maybe we could keep her for the night then take her back to where every she needs to be" i told them and they both tilted there heads.

I opened the door and Dean's mouth opened. "Yea. She can stay the night" he nodded and I looked back and there was a woman in a black dress and a red collar on in the bed. I pulled out my silver blade and walked in. "2 seconds ago you were a dog" I pointed the blade at her.

"I'm not a shifter so you can stash that. I'm a familiar" she spoke. "A what?" Dean asked. "Companion to a witch" Sam said. "Some witches. They spend there time between human and animal form" Sam spoke and I put my blade away as Dean shut the door.

"I get a more accurate read on people in my other persona" the dog lady said. "My name is Porsche I belong to James Frampton" she said and sat up.

"No. No that doesnt work because that would mean our buddy James is a witch" Dean shook his head. "Wow. Your quick" she rolled her eyes at Dean. "James is a freakin witch?" Dean asked irritated. "He wasnt when you met him" she said.

"But after that last case he wanted to learn more about that world" she said. "So James, is a witch and hes not a cop anymore?" Dean asked. "He is a cop. The witchy stuff makes it better" she stood up.

"Then what does he need from us?" Sam asked. "Hes been having these horrible nightmares. At first it started with head aches but he doesnt eat or sleep, he cant work" she told us and seemed worried about James. "Maybe you can find a way to help him?" She asked and looked up at Sam and Dean.

I walked to the door and they all looked at me. "Where are you going?" Dean asked and I looked back. "I dont do witches. I also dont know this James, you three look like you have it covered. I'm goin for a walk" I told them and walked out side.

I walked around and went down an ally way. I saw some guy sitting and smoke coming from him. I walked up to him and he looked up at me with squinted eyes. "How much?" I asked and he smiled. He handed me the rolled up joint and I took a hit. "20" he said. "10" I countered. "15" he agreed and I pulled out my wallet and gave him 15 and he gave me a bag.

"Wait" he called as I went to walk. He stood up and walked over to me taking the last hit then throwing it to the ground. "How old are you?" He asked and put his hands in his pockets. "19" I said and he nodded.

"Chill. Come on" he told me and we walked around the corner and got into his car. He pulled out a bunch of shit and started to light it up. We passed it back and forth and a couple minutes later the whole car was filled with fumes.

"Why are you out here so late?" He asked me. "I'm with my Dad and Uncle and I needed to get out" I coughed. I started to get tired and I closed my eyes. "What. About you?" I yawned.

"Just doin what I do every Saturday. I sold some shit then smoked some shit" he told me and I nodded. "Cool" I nodded and I was nodding off in to sleep. "Cops gonna find is here?" I asked and he laughed.

"No way. This is my house" he told me and I nodded. "Cool I'm sleepin here then" I rolled over and took a deep breath and fell asleep.

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