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We got home and back into Dean's room and he was gone. Sam and I started to research and try to find him. We summoned Crolwey hunderds of times and called Dean even more. Sam would go out and come back bloody.

Half way threw the first week I tried to summon a cross roads demon but none of them would deal with me. Sam came out and we  tortured demons, but none of them knew where Crowley or Dean was. We called other hunters, and told them to be carful, but didnt give them the details.

I got almost no sleep and I was drinking heavily along with Sam. Cas tried to help and that got Sam hurt. His shoulder was jacked up. We didn't talk much unless it was about Dean. 4 weeks past and we were no closer to finding him than we were at the start.

6 months past. More blood than ever before had been spilled. Sam and I were still looking for Dean. I was sitting in the bunker reading about the Mark when Sam came in.

"I'm going to go check out a thing." He told me and I nodded. "Hows your shoulder?" I asked and he nodded. "Call me if you need help" I told him and he turned and walked out the door.

The was the extent of all our conversations. Sam called me the next night and said he found Dean. For the past 6 months he thought if Dean just saw me he would come home. Sam called me and told me he had a lead on Dean and to come quick. I jumped in the car and started to drive as quickly as possible to the address.

I had to stop at a gas station to get gas so I called Sam. "You almost here?" He asked. "I had to stop for gas but yes. I'm about an hour or two out. You told me to meet you at a bar" I told him. "Yea. I think Crolwey has a demon inside of Dean. I saw him with black eyes Ava" Sam sighed and I rubbed my forehead.

"Shit" I told him. "I'm driving as fast as I can" I told him. "Ok. Be safe" he told me and then the line went dead. I went in and got a 6 pack, drinking had helped over the past 6 months. I walked back to my car and took the thing out and drove off. I cracked open a beer and started to drink one.

It got dark as I drove and I was getting close. I was driving and my car started to flicker. "What the-" I said and tapped in the dash board. My car flickered once more and I pulled off on the side of a road. Then it died completely. I groaned and I got out and went to check it and I was about to call Sam and I saw headlights.

I covered my eyes and some one got out of there car. "You need some help?" He asked and I nodded. "That would be great. It just died on me" I sighed and stepped back. "Out here?" The guy asked and hummed. He had short hair and was build pretty good. Black shirt and jeans on with a jacket and a chain around his neck.

I opened the latch and he put his hands on his hips. "These cars are just a bunch of 1's and 0's. One thing outta place and its shot" he told me and I nodded. He looked and pointed to a red light. "Theres your problem" he told me and I looked closer. "What the hell is that?" I asked.

"Its a kill switch and this is the remote" he held up a grey box and I reached for my gun. He punched me and my head whipped to the side. I stood up and punched him back equally as hard and he laughed. "Strong" he nodded and I reached for my gun and pointed it at him.

I went to shoot and he knocked it out of my hand. He swept my legs and I fell to the ground. He got on top of me and punched me in the nose and I pushed him off. I punched his stomach and he punched me again and I stumbled back. I stood back up quickly and put my fists up. "You just dont stop" he chuckled and punched me in the right shoulder and I screamed.

He had hit somthing sensitive and he basically pushed me to the ground as I held my arm. "Just give up" he gritted his teeth. He got on top of me and wrapped his hands around my throat. I tried to kick him off but I wasnt strong enough. My vision got spotty and I heard him sshh me as I struggled. I blacked out.


I woke up and opened my eyes but everything was dark. I felt all the pain rush back and I tried to cradle my shoulder but my hands were tied together. I was sitting in a car, and had no idea where I was going with a bag over my head. "Calm down" I heard his voice and I jumped.

"Were here" he spoke and the car stopped and shut off. His door slammed and I jumped, then jumped again when my door opened. "Be carful" he spoke and grabbed my elbow.

I stood up and we started to walk. My shoulder really started to hurt as we walked and he had a tight grip on me. I heard a door open and I was pulled. "Let's go. Let's go" he guided me. "Home sweet home" he spoke and we walked a few yards and then I was turned around and I sat. My heart was beating out of my chest and I knew I couldnt fight this guy off now.

I heard some shuffles and my leg jolted when he grabbed my ankle and pushed it back. "Breath" he told me and I heard small clicks and my ankle was up against the chair. He did the same to the other one and he pulled off the bag.

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