Klaus: Do you ever chill?

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"You think your daughter has a boyfriend tied up in her closet and didn't tell you?" You wondered, legs crossed while you sat back and read through the headlines of the morning newspaper.
"That's why I'm here. She trusts you. If she has a boy in the house, she'd be liable to go to you—"
"Huh-uh, hold on. Did you open the closet?" you interrupted.
"I'm not being literal, and this is important. Will you pick her up from school today?" Klaus snapped, sitting down in front of you.
You lowered the paper, smiling just a little.
"Can I ask you something? I'm just taking a shot in the dark here. Did you...ever consider maybe she has a boy in the house because if he leaves her room you're going to kill him? A sixteen-year-old boy? With parents and a social life?" You tried not to laugh.
"What's amusing about that? Your statement is true," he smirked. "Rebekah and Freya aren't here to intervene let alone help her sneak him out the mousetrap like all the times before. Be sure to take his name and address down before you let him go. I'll be needing it."
You demanded, "Wait. Wait. This is around the basis of an 'I think'. Before I consider to go charging in—to a situation I know nothing about, mind you—do you for sure know she's got a boy in there? Or even if she's really hiding something important?"
Klaus blankly shrugged off any reassurance he could lie to you about.
"Jesus. Do you ever chill?" you yawned in the disappointment of your friend. "You're a dad, not her keeper."
"She's fifteen, Y/N," he tried to justify his worry.
"Oh, see, now it makes sense. You made it sound like she was six," sarcastically, you replied.
You could see the whole debate was frustrating him into his cornered silence. You decided to try a more positive approach.
"Hope has grown up right. She's smart and she's kind. What if that boy is in trouble? Wouldn't you be proud if she was helping him?" you asked him.
That seemed to take some of the weight off his mind.
"If she doesn't trust you enough to mention a boy, maybe that's because she knows what you think about outsiders. It took you a long time to trust me. It will take you a while to trust anyone else, especially around Hope. So, if it's that important to you, maybe we should do this together," you suggested.
Without saying anything, he seemed to be accepting of your proposition, even reaching for your hand in gratitude.
"And for the record, I consider Hope to be the heartbreaker. Hayley's her mom. She doesn't play around," you commented.
A smile spread on Klaus's lips as he stood, collecting both your jackets.
"Where do I get the credit?" he grinned.
"Condescension," you sighed.
You hit the back of his head while you opened the front door for him. 

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