Marcel: Rough patch

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IMAGINE: the reader is going through a rough patch and Marcel is trying to keep her from doing reckless things, but it only annoys her.

Marcel didn't get what it was you were trying to prove or forget with your latest counts of strange activity, but he would give anything to get you to stop. You quit your job, you were taking off days at a time, not giving a shit who you gave lip to. Your friends were worried about you, but not as much as Marcel. The only explanation you ever gave anyone was that it was "a hard time in your life" and that they would not understand.

"You can't keep saying those things and expect people to lay off. It sounds like a line in a play. It gets exhausted when people begin to hear it the same way," Marcel told you.

"Then let me say it a different way," you growled as you walked down your street with your heels in hand and your makeup smudged underneath your eyes.

You stayed out all night and the only person you could think to call that could find your location was Marcel. He never stopped lecturing you about your risky attitude, and it got under your skin each time. You stopped walking and turned to him.

"I have repeatedly sent out the hint I want to be left alone, but no one gets it. You're not getting it. Worry about yourself and less about me," you finished, getting out your keys to unlock your door. He sighed heavily as he stopped on your steps.

"I just picked you up in the roughest district in town! By yourself with no way to get back. What if something had happened to you?" he huffed.

"Good question, would have been interesting to find out," you replied, stepping inside. "Dammit, I'm trying to understand, Y/N! Isn't that what you want? Only people who care about you and love you would bother," he scowled.

You paused, looking at him over your shoulder. You set your shoes down inside and stepped out again. "What did you say?" you asked.

He licked his lips, looking down. Should he repeat that? Would it cause a worse divide between you two?

"You love me," you said more gently.

"I shouldn't have said that, I'm sorry," he mumbled. You watched him run a hand over his head, turning on his heel to leave.

"Wait," you said before he could get out of sight.

He stopped.

"I'm sorry... Please listen to me," you swallowed.

He turned to you, watching you take a step back inside and wait for him to follow. He held back a smile as he followed you inside.

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