Klaus/Elijah: The men are gone

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IMAGINE: Meeting Klaus and Elijah in the 18th century.

The men in your family had gone to fight for your homeland of Louisiana. Your father, your brothers, your uncles. Your mother was sick in bed at your aunt's home, afraid you would catch something, too. You were left to take care of the little ones in your home in the countryside of Louisiana. You were worried, especially since you were left in charge and expected to be brave. You stayed up late one night sitting in your father's parlor. The lantern that danced with life hardly holding up its promise to guide your sight with its light. A noise came from the front porch of your home. You take your father's gun off the wall. "You defend your siblings at all costs, should one of those soldiers come looking for trouble," you remember he commanded you. You sit on the bottom step waiting for someone to come through the door at any minute. The little ones were asleep upstairs. Creak, creak, thmp. You heard voices in the front room now. The rifle did not even shake in your hands as you slowly approach the doorway.

Klaus and Elijah were able to open the door and to enter, the house they recognized as belonging to the public and not in need of granted entrance. "Kol! Come out!" Elijah decided to call. Klaus looked to door as you appeared, rifle in hand as you looked at them both. "State your business here," you demand quietly. Klaus and Elijah were quiet as they looked back at you, breathless from your beauty. You cocked the rifle. "I will not repeat myself, now. This is my home," you mutter darkly to them. "Do not be alarmed...where are the men in your home?" Elijah said warmly, putting a hand out to bring you peace. You didn't lower the rifle. "They've gone," you answer vaguely, "If you're lost, just answer to me." "We built this city, Love. But apparently we haven't seen all of its beauties," Klaus smirked as he came close. "You're the Mikaelsons, aren't you? Kol Mikaelson's who you are looking for around here," you realize. "Very good...judging by your lack of dead cattle we may have gotten here early," Elijah spoke.

You sigh quietly as you lower your rifle. "Sit," you demand, "I'll let you wait out your brother. But if you wake those children upstairs, I'm afraid you'll be leaving." "What is your name?" Elijah asks a few seconds after he does what you've told him. You turn back to them, a tired look in your eyes as you place your rifle aside. "Y/N," you answer, "N/N for short." Klaus and Elijah stayed for a few hours, waiting for a rogue Kol to turn up looking for trouble. You didn't fully trust them, but you did notice they way they seemed to have a few flirtatious things to say hear and there. Klaus sensed a ruggedness about you, a strong character he rarely ever saw in a girl in his city. He fancied you immediately. Elijah saw you worked hard for your family by the way you told them about your situation, that you were the kind of girl who hadn't the time to learn to be wife or be a model woman of the South. You had to learn to be the hero for your family. They'd come around looking for you several times a month soon after, wanting to get away from the bland damsels of the French Quarter. You developed a heart for them both, appreciating the chance to have men coming around your home again. Little did you know how much fighting over you they did at home.

Who did you end up choosing?

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