Kingsmen: Eggsy's birthday surprise

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IMAGINE: Eggsy taking you out on your birthday.

"I just don't understand why you can't tell me the reason you're ignoring all my text messages," you say.
You playfully tap your foot against Eggsy's leg as he sits on your couch—after months on end of no communication at all.
He sighs, "Well, I haven't got a mobile phone anymore. I had an accident."
"What kind of accident? A pin stabbing at the tailor's?" you question sarcastically, gesturing to his nice suit and glasses.
He's planning to make something up again.

"Save it," you stop him.
He didn't like when you started to ice him out like this.
"You want to go out for a drink?" you offer flatly. "Oh, you probably have a gala to get to. What am I saying?"
"Come on, Y/N, let's just enjoy the meet-up, yeah?" he whines.
"Meet-up? Seriously? You walked in, handed me a birthday card, and asked if I still had my dad's pendant," you mock him.
He takes the Kingsman pendant from your hands, admiring your adorably pouting face before he winds up in hesitation. You were his friend since you were in playgroups; your fathers were agents together before death. If Kingsman knew you two were taking the night off together, they'd assume you were ready to become an agent. It would have to be discreet.
"I was hoping you still had your Confirmation dress from school. I'd like to go somewhere besides a pub," he explained.
You looked up from your text messages with narrowed eyes.
You ask, "I said I don't want to do anything besides sit here."
"Well, that's a fantastic lie," he grins.
Sure, you could get hurt going anywhere with Eggsy these days, but you didn't know that and he planned to protect you all the same. You thought he was joking about it, so you put your hair in a messy bun and chose a casual dress from your room. You jokingly posed for him, but when you returned, he'd brought the black taxi around for you.
"You weren't making a joke?" You asked.
"No way, Bruv. Come on," he smiled.
Eggsy took you to a restaurant you didn't know he could afford. All the talk about the times you winded up being sent home on the schoolbus and how you'd come to his rescue every time his mother's boyfriend's son was on the prowl for a punching bag. It got him thinking. After the nice dinner, you two went on a joyride through town until it brought you back to the playground where the two of you met. It was a better birthday than you imagined—especially when it ended with a kiss.

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