Mickey Milkovich: Eat something!

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(warning: discussion of eating disorders and malnourishment)

"Hey, hey, don't let the subway door snap you in half, Stickbug," Mickey jeered at you as he watched you pick up your bag and count the money he'd given you to go out and bring back some fast food.
You rolled your eyes
"Nah, I'm not going all the way to Checkers, you're getting Carls Jr.," you asserted.
Lip handed you an extra twenty when he caught you walking off the porch. he was probably there to visit Mandy.
"Get some gum and a new carton, too, thanks," he tasked you, his little sister.
You press the twenty back into his chest.
"You've got legs," you sighed.
Mandy stood on her porch having a smoke as she watched you walk off. You were so petite it'd caught her eye lately. Were you eating? At least drinking or something?
"Hey, your sister. Is she...a food-phobic or something?" Mandy wondered.
Lip shared her smoke.
"...Uh, no, why?" Lip frowned.
"She's small as fuck," Mickey chimed in bluntly.
"Yeah, I know. Something like 82 pounds. Isn't that normal for early teens?" Lip sighed.
"Yeah, if you're in junior high. Lip. You gotta make her eat something," Mandy says.
"Like a whole fucking turkey or something. The KFC kind not that homemade shit," Mickey added.
"Fuck that. She's not going to listen to shit," Lip replied.
You turned back into the yard with a full bag of food from the bodega down the road.
"It was closed. I bought those frozen hamburgers. I heard they're like cardboard, but—"
"Hey, did you get something for yourself?" Mickey asked.
You scoffed, "Why do you always ask? You're buying, of course I bought something."
"Yeah, well...eat the whole thing. Don't want you wasting my cash," Mickey awkwardly said.
Mandy smiled at her brother as you passed between them.
"You're such a good friend," she teased him.
"Shut the fuck up, Mandy," Mickey huffed, going inside for his burger.

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