Chapter Three (Frank)

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Frank was impressed, to say the least. Ray just so happened to own an automated filter system which removes all dangerous chemicals from the air-something of which Frank never had the luxury to afford. While marveling at the system, Ray used his distraction to remove the mask from the awestruck man. "Wow." Frank said as he breathed in the fresh air, unlike what he could've died from inhaling the night before. "Wow."

"Yeah wow. What century did you buy this thing from?" "It's the demo. You can tell by the white strips on the straps. I'm surprised he held up with the first addition which rarely worked way back when."

Frank jumped, startled at the unknown voice. "Oh. Sorry to have scared you." A kid no older than eighteen apologized while pushing up his glasses. "I'm Mike. Classic nerd and knowlegable in all things except for Ray's love life." Ray's face turned a slight red as he tossed the misused mask at the teen. "Shut it, Mike." He mumbled, sounding quite embarrassed.

"Yeah, yeah. What happens at you-know-who's house, stays at you-know-who's house. I get it." Blushing, Ray offered to take Frank's bookbag and the man gladly allowed him to do so. He didn't know how far Ray's house was from his own and he was relieved to have the weight taken off of his shoulders for the day.

"This place is badass. Like, I haven't been somewhere without my mask and able to breathe purified air since...God knows when." Frank announced happily, taking in exaggerated breaths to prove just how amazed he was.

"Yeah man. We have a generator going on outside and everything. Mike here, is a God." Mike, pushing up his sliding glasses oncemore, smiled shyly. "It didn't really take much effort. As long as we keep storing gasoline this system would be up for a while. And by the amount in storage, we'll be able to breathe in fresh air for ten years straight-all day and every day."

"Cool." Frank said, since that's all he could say. "Yeah cool. We're lucky to have Mikey here on the team." "Don't call me Mikey!" Mike snapped, his voice taking on a drastic change. "Shoot. Sorry. I forgot, kid." Sighing, Mike rubbed at his eyes in defeat. "Alright. I'll go contact the mask dealer. Did Pat mention getting any new masks yet? He told me he was trying to get a hold of version two and a half."

"Haven't spoken to him since he rushed to Pete's aid-" "Whoah." Frank interrupted. "Whoah, whoah, whoah, whoah, whoah. Go back. Did you say Pete? As in Pete Wentz? The Pete fucking Wentz?"

"Yeah. That guy. He was the one who told me to snatch you off the streets." Ray explained. "Ray. He's been gone for an entire month and fuck." Frank cursed. "Are you kidding me!? That bastard had me believing he was dead for how long!? When I get my hands on him-" "If. Pete doesn't really go out much. He got sick a few weeks ago and that's probably why he hadn't contacted you."

"Sick." Frank repeated. "His mask malfunctioned on him." Ray said simply. "I'm surprised yours hasn't done the same." Mike said under his breath. "This is an antique if I ever saw one. Where'd you get it?"

"My father." He answered simply. "I was a kid and they had no masks left in the shop. He gave his life up for mine. But," He said before either of the two men could show pity. "It's what happens when you choose to have a kid nowadays. Mask 'em or kill 'em. There's nothing much to it."

An unknown emotion flickered through Mike's eyes and he turned his head to the side, sucking in a deep breath. "Parents never last long, I tell you that." Ray, clapping his hands together as an attempt to break the dull conversation, pointed at Frank's bag. "Show us your goodies Frankie. I wanna see what treasures the famous Frank Iero carries with at all times."

"The day you pronounce my last name right is the day you go sorting through my personal items." He shot at the overly happy man. "Hey, hey. I'm not being rude, but I even checked Mike here's things. I don't want you bring in a knife or something to kill me with. You know?"

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