Chapter Forty Three (Frank)

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Frank was freaking out. Sure, he had been having sort of a panic attack earlier, but now as he noticed Gerard's absence-he was defenatly having an anxiety attack. The room they should've been in, the room he was in, was absent of Gerard. Frank was ninety percent positive the man was by his side, only to realize at the last moment that Gerard was nowhere to be found.

It was only a matter of seconds before Frank lost all sense of control and burst out of the door to go after him. Only to be pushed back in by a frightned Josh. "Gerard!?" Frank choked out. "He's been caught." Josh responded. "He told me to tell you to keep going. We're going to have to finish this without him."

Frank's heart dropped, a large lump forming in the back of his throat. "Caught...?" He repeated, the word forced out of his mouth. "I'm sorry Frank." Josh apologized. "I'm so sorry."

"No." Said Frank. "It's okay." He had no idea what was 'okay' about the entire fucking thing, but those were the words that came out of his mouth. Maybe though, he was trying to assure himself rather than Josh. "It's okay because I can still save him." Frank told Josh, feeling a small bit of hope in his chest.

"Where did they take him?" He asked fiercely. "Frank, you-" "I don't give a shit about our mission! Gerard is-Gerard is more important than anyone in this entire fucking world and if he dies because I let him go through the wrong door-Josh, I'd never forgive myself."

"The mission-" "Can wait. Where did they take him? Josh, please." Frank added when he noticed the hesitant look given by the man. "I don't know. I'd have to ask those in the room. Stay here."

Frank couldn't wait. He couldn't wait because he knew that every second could mean a second closer to Gerard dying-and even the mete thought of Gerard's death caused Frank's throat to close up and his eyes to water.

No matter what, Frank promised himself, that he would save Gerard. He didn't care who he'd have to go through or who he'd have to kill in order to do so. Gerard was Frank's top priority and no matter what; he would save his boyfriend.

Pacing around in the small room seemed to be Frank's only option at the moment. That, and rechecking the bullets he carried to make sure he had enough to kill the thousands who chose to get in his way. He occasionally played with his knife, but the weapon seemed dull and lifeless compared to his favorite and most often used pistol.

In what felt like years; Frank paced and mumbled to himself until finally Josh came back, saying the word 'Pancake' to let Frank know it was him. "Good news, bad news, and some more good news." Josh told him.

"Good news?"

"Gerard's alive and posed as a whore to get himself to wherever Brendon Urie is located. Which means that there's a possible chance of him still being alive. The bad news is that we were wrong and Brendon isn't where we assumed him to be. Which brings us to more good news as now, thanks to Gerard, I know Brendon's actual location."

"What about Pete? He's probably in the wrong place too. Fuck, what if he's fallen through the ceiling as well!?" "Pete's okay. An alarm would've went off if he's been caught. And if he did fall, I know he'd be smart enough to run to cover. Right now the only one in real danger is Gerard. He may hold his façade with the Maskies, but Brendon would see right through it." The man explained.

"We wouldn't make it in time if we went the way as planned." Frank pointed out. Josh nodded slowly. "Which means we need to come up with something and fast. Josh-we...What if I'm your prisoner?" Frank asked, an idea suddenly appearing in his head. "What do you mean?" "Exactly what I said. Hold me at gunpoint, drag me to Brendon, ask him what to do with me and-"

"That may work, but wouldn't he be suspecious if only one person managed to catch you-a guy who's escaped capture multiple times?" Josh reminded him. "Then where's Tyler?" It took the man a moment to answer. "Still at the control center. He's probably-" Josh was interrupted by static, the sound filling up the quiet room.

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