Chapter Thirteen (Frank)

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Frank was sure he was high on life. In fact, he was feeling great. It wasn't like him and Gerard had kissed or anything-but Gerard didn't deny them seeing eachother. Which meant that either Gee liked him back or he didn't even notice what Frank had said. Not only that, but Frank was one hundred percent positive Gerard had been checking him out. More specifically, looking at his ass.

Normally such a thing would involve Frank getting freaked out or snapping something along the lines of: 'What the fuck are you looking at!?' But this was Gerard and Gerard had been the one to look at Frank's lower half and honestly, Frank didn't care.

Because if Gerard was checking him out, then that meant Gerard was interested and if Gerard was interested, then Frank could have a boyfriend. Because honestly, Frank had always dreamed of someone to love and someone to love him back. He was hoping that Gerard could be that someone. And he knew it was stupid, knew he was a hopeless romantic. In fact, Frank shouldn't be caring about Gerard at all and focusing on more important things than love or whatever these feelings he had towards Gee were.

"Damn Iero. You look happy." Ray commented, snapping Frank out of his trace. "Me-oh-yeah. I'm feeling great." Frank said with a small blush as Patrick and Pete gave him questioning glances. "You're great? Dude. Who was she, is she hot, are you two official or what?" Patrick asked. Frank felt his face turn even more red at the fact that Patrick assumed he was with a girl rather than a guy.

"None of that is on a need-to-know basis." Frank spat as he whipped his mask towards Pete; giving him a 'I'll tell you later as long as you keep your mouth shut.' Look. Pete gave him a small smirk and nod in response. The two, as Frank had come to realize, were able to communicate with a simple glance. Frank could blink his eyes at Pete and Pete would understand exactly what he meant-no matter how subtle of an expression it was.

Frank plopped down on Pete's lap, since that was what friends do, and lay his head back on Pete's shoulder. He was short enough to get away with it too. "Life." He said. "Sucks." "Frick yeah it does. Can you believe the Black Masks are patrolling the streets place like this? I have to cancel orders because those idiots are hitting too close to our usual meeting spots! I have clients in need!" Patrick shouted as he threw his fedora across the room.

"Why can't you ask them to meet you somewhere else?" Frank asked. "In case you didn't know this, Iero. But I'm running an illegal buisness. I can't just ask people to meet me somewhere else. Besides, my client is a younger couple who's having children. I can't make a pregnant woman go across the entire city for a mask, can I?"

Frank shrugged. He actually liked Patrick's kindness. Though the man did some illegal things-more illegal than Frank's occasional thieving and cigarette buying-Frank adored the man for his big heart. He knew Patrick wouldn't hesitate to drop everything if it meant giving a child a mask to breathe air with.

"I may just have to go to their home myself if the Black Masks keep this up. Their baby is due soon, by how the father spoke and I cannot allow a child to die because of those bast-bags of trash." He corrected himself.

"I'll do it." Frank offered. "I mean, I have nothing to lose, right? Besides, I'm just delivering a simple mask. How hard can it be? I'll just say I'm an uncle if anyone asks." Frank knew Patrick wouldn't be able to pass as being related to anyone in the city since his hair color was uncommon throughout the place. People nowadays were born with black or brown hair. The occasional blonde with less than a one percent chance of gingers like Patrick.

"Well, I don't know. Sometimes these deliveries can be a little dangerous and I don't want to put you in any situations you wouldn't be able-" "Pete can come with me." Frank interrupted, automatically volunteering Pete for the job. "Yeah Frank. I guess I will come with you. Thanks for asking for my permission." Pete said sarcastically as he elbowed Frank in the back of the head. "Ow!" "Ow!" He mocked.

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