Chapter Thirty Seven (Frank)

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Frank knew that happiness was easily being acted by all of his mourning friends and knew that they would be acting that way for a while. Frank also knew that Gerard was acting as well. Although, he was quite positive that Gerard's acting differed from everyone else's.

Gerard, Frank knew, missed Patrick. But he could tell when more than one thing was on his boyfriend's mind so he was made quite aware of it as soon as Gerard's smile dropped while he stared in disgust at the food placed in front of him.

Frank was sure Gerard never had a problem with eating. Well, maybe once or twice he did when he thought Mikey was dead, but he never stared solemnly at his dinner as if he were deep in thought and waiting for the food to give him answers.

Maybe, Frank thought, this was how Gerard learned things about the world that others didn't. Maybe his way of learning was through his own place and own time. Frank was aware of Gerard's occasional trips away from reality and knew it to be almost impossible to tug him out of his mind once he entered.

But that didn't stop him from shaking Gerard's shoulder and flinching away as soon as the man gasped and jumped, knocking over a glass. "Sorry." Frank apologized as his boyfriend blinked a few times to register what happened. "No, it's alright. I was just thinking." Gerard said as he picked the glass up and Pete scrambled for napkins.

"About what?" Frank asked. "Oh, um," Gerard glanced at Joe and Andy, then shifted his gaze to his brother before going back to Frank. "Nothing, really. Just all of this, you know?"

Tyler and Josh both perked up a little, then went back to what they were doing. Both, Frank knew, were curious about the entire situation. Ryan never mentioned Patrick's cause of death or why he was left alone in the first place. Quite frankly, Frank didn't want to discuss it either. All anyone had to know was that he died.

"Um," Mikey finally piped up. "Is it alright if-if I can go to the um, infirmary. It's kind've crowded in here." Frank could understand what the teen meant. The mess hall-which was the name for the room they ate in (Which was really the same as the room they slept in but the name seemed to have changed while eating.) Was full of people. It was hard to hear his own thoughts with all the voices combining together.

Kids and teenagers rushed around, chasing eachother through the room while Josh watched them with a smirk tugging at his lips.

Frank wasn't used to the amount of people but he actually enjoyed all the bodies together and parents smiling and playing with their kids.

"Oh." Gerard said, tearing Frank away from his thoughts. "Yeah. I'll go with you. Are you coming, Frank?" "Sure." Frank wasn't going to allow Mikey and Gerard to be left alone together. Apparently everyone else felt the same way as both Ray and Pete volunteered to go with as well as Joe and Andy.

It took Frank a moment to realize that each of them had depended on one another for so long, that none of them wanted to be apart. Losing Patrick meant that all of them would work harder to keep eachother safe, or, that was Frank assumed.

Gerard took a bed with his brother, meaning of course, that Frank squeezed in between them. He absolutely refused to be anywhere but beside Gerard. Pete shared a bed with Ray and Joe with Andy. It wasn't hard to assume Ryan would sit on the floor.

"So you guys, how's things going?" Ryan asked. "The truth or the lie?" Pete quizzed. "I'd prefer the truth-"

"Fucking terrible! You're having Frank and Gerard replace Patrick as if-as if it's nothing! Don't you think we're actually-this is fucking stupid! He's dead and you act as if it's nothing! Patrick's irreplaceable and you toss those two in to replace him like it's no big deal! Well listen here you fucktard! This is a big fucking deal and one of our friends are dead because of you! If it weren't for you walking in like you own the place, Patrick would still be alive and leading this dumb revolution or whatever the hell this is!" Pete yelled, startling almost everyone in the room but Gerard and Frank.

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