Chapter Thirty Two (Gerard)

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"Well?" Gerard asked as Pete lay beside Frank on the bed. Mikey, losing any of his previous naivete he had during the past few hours, shrugged his shoulder and looked at the two sleeping men grimly. "He got his mask on before I came in. He told me he put it on as soon as he noticed the difference in oxygen. I just, I don't know what could've went wrong. I wired this place perfectly. If not for rats chewing wires or maybe just a random system failure...I don't know what to blame for this."

"Do you think Patrick's place...?" Gerard began, causing his younger sibling to tense up. "Oh shit." Mikey cursed; the words sounding almost foreign on his tongue. Gerard couldn't remember the last time he heard his sibling curse, but knew it had been a while since even Mikey himself looked puzzled for a moment. "I'll be right back!" "No!" Gerard shouted, grabbing a hold of his brother's arm. Mikey stumbled back from his grip, but only tilted his head. Just, Gerard thought. Like me.

"You shouldn't go alone. I'll come with you." "What about them?" "They're sleeping. I doubt we'd be gone for too long." Mikey muttered a curse of his choosing before then deciding to nod. "Alright Gee. But you should-" "Not enough time. They could be sleeping and not have noticed-and before you say anything, us arguing will only waste our time."

Mikey studied Gerard for a brief moment before finally agreeing. "Alright. Let's hurry." The two rushed out of the bedroom, looking over their shoulders to make sure Pete and Frank were actually asleep. Before they could actually make it out of the room, Gerard snatched one of Frank's guns off the shelf, nodding towards Mikey who gave him a confused expression. "Just in case." He said, only managing to make Mikey take a few nervous steps away from the weapon.

"It's not the gun who hurts you Mikes: It's the person holding it." And with that, Gerard led his brother out of the apartment, making sure the door was shut behind them before leaving. He didn't know which apartment Patrick lived in, but was guided by his own feet. They of course, led him to the room on the left. He didn't really know why, but he just knew it was the left. Plus, what other person than Patrick would keep a door unlocked?

He pushed the door open slowly, wincing slightly at its loud squeak. Then realizing it was stupid to worry about making noise, Gerard closed the door and took in a huge breath of air; comepletly ignoring Andy, who was fast asleep on the couch.

"It's...Purified." Mikey said, struggling for a moment to find the right word. "I know." Gerard agreed, walking out of the living room to find Patrick. Mikey watched Andy for a few seconds before noticing Gerard across the room. Gerard pointed towards the bedrooms and gave his brother a 'Wait here.' Signal. Which was really him lifting his palm into the air, but Mikey seemed to understand.

Gerard crept into the first room he saw, pausing when he noticed it was Joe. Sighing, he backed away until he came to Patrick's door. He opened it slowly, surprised that it didn't make a sound. "Pat." He whispered, tripping over his feet as he tried to get to the man's bed. "Patrick." "Mmph?" Patrick mumbled sleepily. "Patrick! Wake up!"

"Ah shit! Gerard!? What the hell are you doing here!?" "Shh! Not so loud. I'm here because something happened." Gerard didn't need the light to be on to see the blank look Patrick gave him. "Well?" "Our filter thing broke or something. It stopped giving good air and...Yeah. Frank and Pete breathed a lot-" Gerard cut himself off with his coughing. "Of it in. Mikey won't be able to work on it until morning and I was worried it was the whole building but...Apparently not."

"Shoot. Wait. I need-um, turn the light on real quick, green eyes." Gerard rolled his eyes; feeling the wall blindly until he got to the light and flicked the slight. Squinting, he studied Patrick's oddly decorated room and waited for the man to grab glasses which Gerard didn't know he had.

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