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Epilogue Seventeen: Kotomi (Part One)

"Oy Kotoko, watch your steps."

Yuki reminded me when he noticed I was coming down by the stairs. He was reading his books in the living room but at the moment that he heard my footsteps, he stood up and tried to take my hand. But I insisted.

"I have eye disease but I am not blind you know!" I asserted that I can do it without his help. I am not that careless.

"Baka! You have eye disease and you're very stupid. What if you trip yourself on the stairs? You'll get in serious trouble for sure and I don't want my Ni-chan to yell at me!" he insisted and tried to guide me but I successfully showed him that I can do it.

"I said, I was fine! Why don't you propose to Konomi instead? Why are you still not making your move, Yuki? You are the real stupid here." I said after changing the topic.

He looked at the other side with his cheeks blushed. I smiled at him. Yuki-kun is still in denial. But he looks so cute.

"Why are you looking at me like that? And... you're the last person to say something like that! Baka!" and he marched himself back on the sofa and grabbed his book and continued reading.

Time flies so fast and Yuki is in his final high school years.

I sat beside him. "Uhm, Yuki..."

I started interrogating him, looking down on my skirt while playing my fingers. I was secretly teasing him. I have a great idea and I want to make that happen.

"I'm studying, Kotoko."

"I know." I said and moved closer to him, "But can't I just sit beside you?"

Yuki-kun resembles a lot from Naoki.

He put his books down and looked at me with those irritated eyes. "I know you, Kotoko. What do you want? After you rejected my offer to guide you... you're here to piss me off again? You're going to be a mother, you should at least minimize your childish like attitude."

I just laugh a little bit after I let those words passed into my ears, "I heard from Oka-san that you are going to graduate soon! You're now nineteen, right? I remember Irie-kun and I married in our age of nineteen... so I thought-"

"Baka, Kotoko! I said I don't want to talk about that again!"

"What are you so angry about? I'm just remembering things... and I am not finished."

"So what now? Will you please leave me alone for now? I still have to study on my exams. Go find Ni-chan and bother him instead. Not me,"

"Yuki-kun! You're so mean! I have been meaning to ask you if you're gonna give your second button to Konomi. That's it! You just have to answer that."

"Baka! You're the stupidest person on Earth, Kotoko! I have graduated already and it was two years ago! Both Konomi and I are now in our second year of college! How could you forget that? And besides, I am already twenty years old!"

Really? Did Yuki graduate already? When was it? And where?

"Ah! I finally remember it! You really graduated! I remember your slacks are torn in between your-"

"Shut up, Kotoko! You know it's your fault!"

"Nani? Why are you blaming me? It's because of your stupidity, Yuki! You won't give your second button to Konomi so I snatched it away from you! If you have only given it to her immediately, I will not make a move!"

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