One Shot-11

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One Shot 11: Life in Kobe (Part One)

"Kotoko," I called her attention, "I have something to tell all of you," and I always had these thoughts after my professor spoke up to me. And it's a good offer, to enhance my skills... to finally be a good doctor like what she's been suggesting. My mom said, "What... you sound so serious, what is that?"

But I have to tell this even if I quite predicted that they won't like it, "I met with my professor today, I'm thinking of working at a hospital in Kobe." There, I told them perfectly. They turned to see each other, probably to find out the shock on their faces. But I'm serious. And I don't want to waste this opportunity. At first, I don't know what specialization I would go into but when she gave me an idea, I am finally sure. I have never been so sure about my life, it's like the first thing I heard it, I already made up my mind.

Kotoko tried to hide the shock on her face by giving a smile, but she stuttered, "K-Kobe?" she added, "I thought you are going to work at Tonan hospital?" and I explained, "That's what I thought at first... but I want to explore some specialized fields..." and I added, I know she's going to be mad about this but I've got to let her know... and it might be impossible but... to support my decision until the end. And she started to react, "But... but... Kobe is so far! It's six hours there and back... how..." I cut her off, "Commuting is unreasonable," she waited, "Then..." this has been in my mind, "I'm thinking of moving to Kobe,"

Mom's eyes were trying to pull me back... like she was trying to say that I was making a bad decision for us, and I might haven't been considering Kotoko about this decision. But I do, when in fact, on the other side, she has an advantage in this situation. She's gonna have some time to focus on her studies other than clinging onto me. That would be good for her case. "Ni-chan, are you serious?" I immediately answered, "I've already been invited by a doctor in Kobe, I'd study there for a few years and then return..." I knew Kotoko would sense it but she was trying to get rid of that idea, "Irie-kun... Then... I have to find a school in Kobe! Do I have time?" and I don't intend to ruin her passion of becoming a nurse so I decided that she should stay, in this home, my mom is here, I can assure that she will be okay no matter what,

"You should stay," I declared.

She almost didn't believe it, "Huh?"

"I'll go on my own."

"You should stay here and continue your studies,"

This is what I am afraid of, she's not hearing me out, and she's not going to understand my side. "I don't want to be apart!"

"Study here for a year and come after you graduate."

She finally burst out, "No! I don't want to be apart for a whole year! I'm not that smart!" and her tears finally roll, "I am not that smart! What if I don't graduate next year? Then, it will be longer!" mom tried to calm her down, "Kotoko-chan..." but she looked at me... and she's saying that we can't do it, I always hold onto her strength because it's very powerful and healing... but right now, seeing her being like that, it seems like I can't do it too... but I want to try to hold on.

"We'll be apart for too long! I can't do it!" of course, she's my wings... and I want her to support me but it feels like I can't be able to fly. It is also hard for me to be apart from her. I've always believed that she's going to be here by my side but this kind of time has come that we must sacrifice it. I wanted to become a doctor because she wanted me to. She gave me that kind of idea first.

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