|*| Thirty Two|*|

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|*| so many douchebags in the world. so many douchebags get tHE GIIIIIRL |*|

Aquila stared at Cedric in disbelief. It felt crazy that he felt like that about her. She began smiling uncontrollably. "I think she feels the same way about you," Aquila responded.

"I'm sorry about everything with Cho," Cedric said. "I'll tell what's going on and clear everything up."

"I'd be glad to," Aquila offered.

"I don't think that's a good idea," he said. "I heard you out in the corridor..."

"Oh, you heard that, did you?..." Aquila said, turning red. "Look, if it makes any of this better, I'll apologize to her... and I won't call her Chingsley when I do."

"I think I can take care of it," Cedric said.

"Thank Merlin!" Aquila sighed. "I never want to see her face again!"

"Wow, tell me how you really feel," he said sarcastically.

"Oh, you really wanna know?"

"Not really-"

"It started on a weekend in May-"

"You didn't even meet her until this year!"

"I was looking for attention-"

"You needed intervention."

"Okay, if you're going to keep interrupting me, then I'm not going to tell you about the movie playing in my head or how I was dragged out of a bar."

"What does this have to do with Cho?" Cedric asked.

"Absolutely nothing," Aquila responded nonchalantly.

There was a moment's silence where Cedric and Aquila just looked at each other, not thinking about anything. They let themselves get lost in the other's eyes for what seemed like forever, but in reality, was just about a minute.

Aquila was the one to break the silence, "Ced, what happens now?"

"We get on with our lives, I suppose," he said, "but we'll have some new nicknames for each other."

"Oh! Triwizard Boy and Killer Hair Girl?"

Cedric chuckled, "I was thinking about something more like Girlfriend and Boyfriend."

"I suppose those nicknames would suit," Aquila said, smiling. "But just to be clear, you're Girlfriend."

"What?" Cedric asked. "Aquila, this was supposed to be a touching moment, and you decide to ruin it?"

"Um, Ceddy, I wasn't ruining it," she said flatly. "I view myself as the manlier one in this relationship, hence, I'm Boyfriend."

"But, you're not a boy, Aquila!" Cedric laughed.

"Who's to say I'm not?" Aquila asked. "You don't know everything about me."

"I've been your best friend since first year," he said. "I know everything about you."

"Oh, yeah?" Aquila challenged. "What's my favorite color?"


"How did you know that?"

"Your hair, silly."

"Oh, right," Aquila said. "Okay, Girlfriend, be on guard, because I'm going to hit you with a question about me that's so hard, Merlin himself would need new knickers."

"Okay," Cedric said, "clearly we need to work on the Boyfriend/Girlfriend name thing because I refuse to let you call me Girlfriend!"

"Whatever you say, Triwizard Boy."


Reluctantly, Aquila agreed to call Cedric by the proper gender name, even though she knew she'd slip up and call him Girlfriend anyway (she found it hilarious).

It was a bit strange for the two students; they were always just friends, and it was a little awkward for them in some situations.

But it was a lot awkward for Ethan.

Our friend Ethan began his third-wheeling journey as soon as Cedric was released from the infirmary. He was walking down the corridors with Richard, who was talking his ear off about the recently announced Yule Ball. Ethan had been tuning the boy out when Cedric and Aquila rounded the corner, talking and laughing as they usually did.

"Cedric!" Ethan called, rushing over to his friend. Richard followed behind him quickly.

"Ethan!" Cedric cheered.

"Ethan!" Aquila repeated for the hell of it.

"Aquila!" Richard cheered.

"Richard!" Aquila and Cedric yelled in unison.

"Merlin, you've been in that hospital for a while," Ethan said.

"It's been two days, Eth," Cedric said, chuckling slightly.

"But it feels like a long time!" Ethan said. "You weren't there to help me with my essays yesterday!"

"I'm sure you did fine on your own," Cedric said.

"How have you been?" Ethan asked. "Are you okay? Do you have any cool battle scars?"

"Nope, no scars," Cedric said.

"Really?" Richard asked, deflated.

"Sorry, Richard," Aquila said. "He's got no scars anywhere. I know; I've checked."


"Moving on," Cedric said.

"Wait," Ethan said. "Move back! Aquila, what?!"

"Okay, I didn't check everywhere," Aquila said. "You know, just the... the respectable places."

"So, moving on," Cedric said yet again.

"So there's a ball coming up," Richard said nonchalantly.

"Yes, and I'd be delighted to go with you," Aquila asked

"I wasn't talking to you," Richard said. "So, Cedric? Wanna go to the Yule Ball with me?"

"I'd be glad to," Cedric said. "But I've got a date."

"With Cho?" Ethan asked.

Aquila's hands balled into fists. "Not with her, you swine!" Aquila yelled. "He's going with me!"

"What?" Ethan and Richard asked.

"He's my Girlfriend," Aquila said.

"What did I tell you about the names?" Cedric asked her.

"Blah blah blah, call me Girlfriend," Aquila answered.

"Merlin, you're so... you're so-!"

"Charming, wonderful, perfect?"

"Yes, but-!"

"And your life would crumble without me by your side?"

"Let's not go to extremes-"

"And let's not forget I've got the best butt in the school," Aquila added.

"You're mistaken, Quil," Cedric said. "It is only common knowledge that my butt is the best one."

"Is that so?" Aquila asked.

"It is," he said.

"Yeah, well, your ass was roasted by a dragon, and mine is as smooth as a baby's bottom."

"Yes, but I'm Cedric Diggory," he said.

"Maybe so, but this butt," she said, pointing to her posterior, "is the bestest butt."

"I'll just be going then!" Ethan yelled. He then rushed down the corridor, wanting no part of that conversation any longer.

"Hey, Richard," Aquila said. "Who's butt is better?"

"Mine, duh!" Richard said. He flipped some imaginary hair and walked away.

|*| omg the sass |*|

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