|*| Forty Nine |*|

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"Aquila, what the hell was that message in the sky last night?" Ethan asked Aquila the first chance he got. It was potions class, and Ethan ran in and pushed Cedric out of his seat so he could sit next to her.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"The beware the task bullshit," he specified.

"You saw that too?" Aquila asked, her eyes widening.

"Um, yeah," he said, "you put it there."

"Bloody hell," Aquila muttered. "Who else saw it?"

"Why'd you write it?"

"I don't bloody write that!" she snapped.

"Is everything alright over here, Miss Whitman?" Professor Snape asked, walking toward Aquila and Ethan.

"Yes, sir," she said quickly. "We were just talking about the lesson. I was confused about the... the, um..."

"The type of cauldron?" Snape asked. "It's not a very difficult concept."

"You know her, professor," Ethan piped in. "She can't tell the difference between copper and pewter, silver and gold. I'd say she has a problem."

"I do not have a problem," Aquila stated defensively. "I just have a bad memory."

"Your problem is none of my concern, Miss Whitman," Snape said. "I suggest paying attention when I'm talking, Miss Whitman."

"Yessir," she said, sliming. She gave him a thumbs up.

He went back to teaching the lesson, and when his back was turned, Aquila slapped Ethan.

"I do not have a problem!" she hissed.


"Ethan, what is your problem?" Cedric asked his friend at dinner. "First, you shove me out of my chair, now you steal my chicken! What is going on?"

"I'm hungry," Ethan said, shoveling Cedric's chicken into his mouth.

"What was that in potions, anyway?" Cedric asked.

"Just a misunderstanding is all," Ethan said, wiping his mouth.

"About what?" Cedric asked.

"Er... stars and the patterns they form..."

"Aquila was sending you messages last night?" Cedric asked. "That's our thing!"

"First, I am hurt that I can't be included in that, and second, no, the message wasn't from her."

"What now, the sky just randomly sent you a message?"

"Yes, actually," Ethan said.

Cedric laughed, "And what did the sky say?"

"Um... nothing you should be concerned with," Ethan lied. He didn't want to worry his friend. Cedric had enough to deal with.

"Good," Cedric said, "now stop eating my bloody chicken!"

"But I'm hungry!"


"Happy birthday, Quil!" Alexis cheered the next morning when Aquila woke up.

"It's my birthday?" Aquila asked, rubbing her eyes. "For real?"

"I think so," Alexis said, "at least that's what... your boyfriend told me."

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