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^^He's such a kitten^^

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^^He's such a kitten^^

Interview tape 1

A: How are you feeling?

B: I'm fine.

A: I'm here to help you, you can trust me.

B: I'm not sure I can.

A: What do you mean?

B: Can I go back to my cell please, I don't want to talk.

A: I'm afraid our time is not up.

B: I want to go back now.

A: I want you to answer this one question ok subject 213.

B: Ok.

A: Have you been talking to 'Doctor I'.

B: I have.

A: Do you think he's been helping you, subject 213

B: He is very kind to me.

A: Good, good you may go back to your cell subject 213.

B: Thank you.

A: Have a good day.

END of the interview, tape 1.

Ever since that day when Michael was 6, he's been on the streets, he's been living in an alleyway. Michael has been growing up without a family.

On that day Michael came out of hiding after and an hour of hiding he saw something no child should ever have to see, he was traumatized he had no idea what was happening he was just a little boy who was born a little bit differently than other people.

"Mommy," Michael cried as he saw his mommy. She was laying down facing away from him. Michael ran toward his mommy as he held onto his stuffed lion. "Mommy wakes up," Michael whispered he thought she was sleeping as he was too young to know what the difference between dead and alive.

Michael crawled around to the other side of Jen as his little hand move into something wet and sticky. Michael was confused as he looked down and when he saw crimson blood on his hands. "Mommy boo-boo," Michael whispered as he moved even further so he was right in front of her.

Michael started crying as he saw a leaking bullet hole in Jen's forehead as it was still dripping blood. "Mommy you have boo- boo." Michael shook Jen as he started leaving kisses on her face hoping the injury would go away. Michael was very innocent for his age as his family tried keeping everything away from him as he still acts like he's 3 when he's 6 turning 7.

"Mommy wakey. Mikey needs you." Michael said as he dropped his lion in the blood that was laying in a pool beside her.

Michael turned around and saw the rest of his family in a pile together all with bullet holes. Emma had a leaking bullet hole in her chest right where her heart is. James had 3 bullet holes in his chest, and Jace has a bullet hole on the side of his head as his eyes were still open looking lifeless, there was no sign of life at all in his eyes. "Dada," Michael mumbled as he petted his hair. "Daddy, mommy hurted and so are you," Michael said as he kissed his forehead. "Daddy you awake why aren't you waking up." Michael was confused his father's eyes were open but he wasn't awake.

The pool of blood was getting closer to Michael as the three of his family members were piled up close together. Michael's small body moved away from the blood as it was getting closer.

Big fat tears fell from his beautiful green eyes. "Em, James," Michael mumbled as he picked up his lion and held it close to his chest not caring that the blood was smeared on his clothes.

It still haunted Michael even 11 years later it still was scary to think about he was alone in the streets. Michael was alone and scared for 11 years as he is 17 now. Michael still had his lion to help him through but it still hurt when he remembered his mother's nickname for him 'little lion.'

He wished he had someone to make him feel like he wasn't alone as he has been alone for 11 years. Michael just wanted someone to come and save him from the streets, he wanted someone to take him home and love him, he wanted his family to be alive still but that's not going to happen is it because they're dead.

Michael sometimes has weird dreams that scare him he always just thinks its a nightmare as he can't really tell or make anything out of the dream all it is, it's like flashes of things that fly by and is too fast to even get a good look at what it is. Its weird for him but he's kind of used to it by now.

Michael was looking through the dumpster of a restaurant looking for something editable. Michael was too skinny as he hasn't really eaten a good meal for years. Michael was dumpster diving for food or pretty much anything that would at least try and fill his little tummy.

"Hey," a deep voice spoke.

Michael felt his heart start to pound in his chest as he jumped and hit his head on the dumpster lid. "Owie." He rubbed his head.

"What are you doing?" Michael looked up at the mysterious man and was shocked at how beautiful he was. He had brown/black hair that was styled to the side. The mysterious man had tan skin and his jaw was definitely the most amazing jaw Michael had ever seen. His brown alluring eyes were beautiful as Michael never wanted to look away, but was then brought out of his thoughts by the man clearing his voice.

"I'm Calum, and you are?"

Sorry, it's kind of short some chapters are going to be a little shorter than most but I do try to update every day so that's why I'm going to try and make them a little shorter than my other books so it's kind of easier to update. 

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