❣️ 21❣️

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I know, I can feel your hatred from here!

im so sorry for not updating in soooo long! I just want you guys to know that I love, you guys! some of you have stuck with me and this horrible roller coaster I call a book. I wanted to give up on this book for a really long time now but I tried to get over it. Now there are only 2 more chapters and this book will be over! :(( im glad I can finally move onto other stories but im sad because I'll miss you guys! xx

Anyway, im going to stop with my sappy self! enjoy this chapter! xx

*The italic means its a flashback :)*

Bright lights blinded the boy as he shook in the corner, ripples of pain shot through his body. The doctors injected Michael with a serum they called 'the truth'. The boy was confused. What did they mean by the truth?

It was only a few minutes after when the serum started working. Michael's body started shaking as he stayed in the corner of his cell. The pressure on his head grew more and more. Vivid dreams flashed through his mind like it was on repeat. His parents, his siblings, Calum, Luke, Doctor Irwin.

Why was Doctor Irwin in his dream? Before Michael could question again another wave of pressure returned. This time once it got too much, he passed out.


The raven-haired boy was dressed in a white coat. He watched over the small boy in his cell, he saw the pain behind his eyes. The older boy felt bad but he couldn't do anything to save him. He was a subject.

"Subject 213, can you move your ear for me?"

"I-I-I-I I can't, why can't I?" The subject started to hyperventilate.

"Hey, calm down. You're ok. It's normal. You will feel your ears again, trust me."



The same raven haired man walked back into the cell room where the boy was hidden.

"Hey, you can come out now, baby."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, don't you trust me?"

"I trust you."

"Good. I love you."



The red sticky substance was on every wall, all over the floor.

He didn't mean too, he tried to stop but he couldn't. He never wanted to do it. He loved him.

They made him do it.

It was his fault he's gone.

"Please come back to me." The sweet angelic voice spoke. His voice was the sweetest sound but once you took a look at him in this state he looked like a fallen angel who lost his way. The way blood scattered on his body. The blood of his lover.

"Come back, please come back." Cries filled the darkroom, "I'm so sorry baby, please. I don't want to live without you. Please, Cal."

Michael gasped awake. He didn't kill Calum, he couldn't have. He just saw him. He was there with him when he was living on the streets. He was there, he knew he was.

Tears poured out of his eyes. Michael slammed his head onto the wall. He wanted to forget. The blood, the lifeless eyes that belonged to Calum. Everything about that was horrific. He didn't want to see anymore.

"Come on Mikey!" A blue-eyed boy yelled. "Come play with us!"

Giggles filled the empty street. The blue-eyed boy wore a beanie similar to Michael's. "Let's play, Ash! Come on"

"I'm coming" The curly-headed boy laughed.

"Mikey, hurry up!"

"Lukey... wait for me, please. You know I'm slow."

"Sorry." The blue-eyed boy frowned.

"Can we go swimming in the lake?" Ashton was a few years older than the boys, he was 8 while Michael was 5 and Luke was 6.

"Can we, please?" Luke whined, he held Michael's hand as he bounced up and down.

"I gotta ask mommy."

"Ok hurry!" Ashton yelled.


The three friends stood side by side as they watched the sun starts going down. "Promise me we'll stay friends?" Ashton asked.

"I promise, Ashy. Always and forever." Luke held onto the curly-headed boy and the smaller boy on his left. "We will be best friends till the day I die."

The promise they swore did live on. It lived on but the saddening part was they never knew how little time forever was.

Michael was awoken by Ashton sitting in front of him. "Hi, Mikey..."

"I-I-I don't understand!" Michael cried. His hand balling up into tiny fists.

"I never understood it either, but you will soon enough, I promise you that."

"Please, Ashton." Michael cried as he tried to reach out to his 'friend' "Don't leave me here."

"I'm sorry. Trust me, I really am." Ashton left with the door softly closing.

"Is it done?" The strange figure stared at Michael through the one-sided glass. Michael sat there crying on the other end, crying over everything he had just witnessed. He felt like he was going insane.

"Yes, it worked." Ashton bowed his head.

"Good, the serum is working. He'll never be the same."

"He hasn't been the same for years..." Ashton sadly replied.

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