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Tape 10

A: I know this is a shock for you, but how did the surgery go?

B: I had surgery?

A: Yes, do you not remember?

B: I'm not quite sure.

A: We ex- *mumbling*

B: Ah, yes now I remember.

A: Good, good. How do you feel?

B: I feel - tired?

A: How come?

B: I don't know, I just feel emotionally drained.

A: I see.

B: How come I got a new doctor?

A: -

Tape recording end.

Screams filled the dark corridor as the shaking boy clenched his eyes closed. Michael didn't know anyone else was here but there had to be because it wasn't him who was screaming in pain. The screams started an hour ago.

The kitten boy curled up into himself more as the screams increased. He knew it was bad but he didn't want to end up like that poor soul who was in pain. He wanted Calum to hold him. He wanted to be anywhere else but here.

The screams ended abruptly which made the boy worried. What if the person's dead? What if they did something horrible to them?

The kitten boy felt his eyelids grow heavier as the minutes ticked by.

Michael jumped as he felt a hand grab harshly on his arm. Fingernails dig into his delicate skin. The boy looked around the hallway. What he wished he could unsee was a little girl no older than 14, she lay on the ground of her cell unmoving. Crimson blood covered her body. Gags filled the room as Michael held in the urge to vomit.

Was she dead? That was the question that ran through his head. Michael assumed that she was a puppy hybrid but her ears were - cut off?

Anxiety and worry filled his gut as he was led down another long hallway.

Michael was pushed inside a dark and scary room.

Gabriel was sat with a curly-haired man as they watched Michael come in.

"Aren't you a cute one." The curly-haired male giggled.

The shaking boy didn't know what to say. The curly male looked nice but looks can be deceiving. "Michael, come here and say hi to doctor Irwin."

"Hello," Michael mumbled as he bites his nails.

"Hello, Michael. Can you please lay down on this seat." The kitten boy followed the order and sat down on the black comfy seat, "Good, now I'm going to give you this numbing."

Michael felt a prick near his kitten ears. Tears fell from his eye at the pain. "I know it hurts, but it'll be over soon." Doctor Irwin shushed the hybrid.

A few minutes later Michael's whole head was numb. Why is it that he's been numb lately? Everyone keeps giving him these injections and he has no idea what they do to him.

"Now, Michael, I want you to close your eyes for me," Gabriel spoke as he rubbed the boy's ears. The kitten boy purred at the contact.

Michael closed his forest green eyes. He felt doctor Irwin pull at his ears again. "Outstanding." He whispered.

Michael felt someone nip at his ear. The boy instantly let his eyes flew open as he started reaching for his ears. Gabriel saw this action and held the boy down as he cried. "Let go!"

No matter how much numbness the doctors used the pain was so excruciating that Micahel screamed and screamed.

"I know, Michael. It will be over soon." Doctor Irwin cooed.

The kitten boys' vision grew black as the pain grew.

Once the boy awoke, he found himself laying down in his cell. The boy looked around confused about what happened as he stood up. Michael was quick to reach for his head as the memories flooded his brain.

A scream rippled through the boy's throat as he didn't feel his ears there. 'Why isn't his ears there?' 'What happened?'

Bandages patched the boys' head was where his kitten ears should have been. Sobs bounced off the damp walls of the cells. He cried for ears, he cried for his parents and he cried for Calum.

Michael even missed Luke. He missed the man that tried to help him. He missed everyone. 

Alright, I hope you guys liked this chapter! I tried making it a little longer than I usually do because I haven't updated this book in a billion years! Comment what you guys thought!

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