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Tape interview 7

A: I heard that you've been getting sick?

B: Yes, I have.

A: What hurts the most?

B: Everything.

A: Are you physically or mentally hurting?

B: Both.

A: How come?

B: I've just been feeling really down lately.

A: Care to elaborate.

B: I just - I want to go home.

A: You are home.

The boys' fingers carefully and skillfully tied the ends of the flowers together. A concentrated look on his face. The sun hitting his face right.

Once Michael's family died it took him until he was 11 to find out where they were buried. Once he was done with his second flower crown he replaced the one on his head with the new pink one he made. "I wish you guys could meet Calum."

Michael looked over the grave that had his family's names engraved in them. It was bizarre to him that his family was here. That they were barred right her underneath the ground. He was so close but so far away.

"I wonder what life would be like if you guys were still here," Michael said as he continued to make flower crowns with the flowers he had. "I wish I could have gone to school like Jamie and Em."

The kitten boy's thoughts drifted to Calum. Putting a smile on his face. "I love him so much, Mommy. I want to spend my entire life with him. Till the day we die." Michael's smile not fading as he looked at the gravestones.

"I wonder if Calum and I will have a life together. Like I wonder if we'll have kids or a big house with a kitty - No! 2 kitty's." The boy giggled happily, already picturing the future for him and Calum. "I would like to live on a farm. I want to take care of animals. Even though I'm part cat." He mumbled off.

"I wanna have 6 kids! I want to give them a great life. I want to have 3 boys and 3 girls, but if I have something different that's fine! I will care for them no matter what." The boy rambled to the lifeless gravestones in front of him. Michael acting as if they'll answer him back.

"I'll name them Samantha, Jenna, after you mommy, I will also name the other baby girl Emma. The boys will be names, Luke after the nice old man, Jamie, and Jace, After James and Dad." Michael was listing all of the times he wanted in life with Calum.

Not once was his family answering him. The kitten boy grew sad as nobody answered him, nobody telling him that his dream for the future is great. No family telling him his dream will come true. He just sat there in utter silence. 

This is pretty much a filler, sorry! Hope you guys still enjoyed it anyway. 

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