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Tape interview 8

A: Has therapy been helping you out, subject 213?

B: I- I believe so. I can't really remember most of them.

A: What do you mean by that?

B: I mean that - the medication you've been giving me makes me feel weird. Like I can't remember most things.

A: Is that so...

*Noise of things being written down*

B: Why do you always write stuff on that clipboard?

A: Hm? - Well, it's to see how have you improved in our care.

B: Have I improved, Sir?

A: Greatly.

C: I'm sorry to interrupt, but may I borrow subject 213, please?

A: Yes you may. Subject 213 has been taken out of this interview by -

Tape Interview 8 ended.


The sun shone down on the family in the field. The 2 kids played soccer with their father, a mother holding her newborn baby on the sidelines.

The green-eyed baby played with his mother's fingers. A baby hat securely wrapped around his head. Jen loved her baby's kitten ears. They were just so small and beautiful. She wished she could keep them out in the open. She wished this world was open to different things but people were scared of change, they were scared of new things. They thought hybrids were disgusting and harmful. How was little Michael harmful? He was such a peaceful baby. He was only a month old and people were already out to hurt him. Jen needed to keep all of her children safe. Her children are her pride and joy.

Jen knew it was her fault for creating Michael this way. She stripped her youngest of the chance to be normal. Every night she would lay in bed, guilt eating at her until she bawled her eyes out. Jace would always be there for her no matter what. He would whisper things in her ear, trying to ease the pain she was feeling. No matter what he did the guilt was always there.

Jen loved her son just the way he was but it was her fault that he wasn't normal. She stripped the boy of ever having friends. She ruined the chance of having her son be happy and not feel different. Jen never wanted her son to feel different all she really wanted was for people to see that hybrids were not the problem; it was them. It's the people's idiocy for not seeing how beautiful hybrids were, they aren't harmful at all, it's the world around them that's harmful. It was her fault that in 7 years her whole family would be dead, leaving her youngest all by himself in the cruel world that they lived in. 

Hoped you guys liked this chapter! Comment what you guys thought. Also sorry for any mistakes!

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