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The eerie silence was the only thing heard as the wind blew the dust and dirt from the alleyway.

Michael was frozen in place, he was scared to talk to the mysterious man, might he add is absolutely stunning well Michael looked really bad as he hasn't had a proper shower in forever and clean clothes in a long time.

"I-im M-mikey." Michael said as he curled into himself he felt very vulnerable under the browned eyed man as it looks like he was searching for something in Michael.

"Is that your full name, Mikey?" Calum asked as his eyes looked amused at the stuttering mess that was the younger kitten boy.

"N-no i-ts M-m-michael." Michael squeaked.

"Well Michael, what is a kitten like you doing out here?" Calum questioned with something in his eye that Michael couldn't quite pinpoint. Something clicked in Michaels' head as he heard Calums voice repeat in his head. 'Kitten'

Michael scrambled back as he tried getting out of the alleyway hoping there was another way. The mysterious man knew Michael was a kitten, how did he know Michael had a beanie on and his tail was not seeable.

Michael's legs were tiring out from all the running as Michael's body is still very weak from not having much food today or for the past couple of days. Michael screamed out as he hit the concrete ground making him cry out in pain.

"G-get o-off, please. D-d-d-don't bring me i-in please." Michael cried he was afraid of going to scientists lab because his mommy always told him that they did bad thing to people like him there.


"Hey, my little lion." Jen cooed over her son who was laying down in his bed waiting for his mommy to give him kiss goodnight and to put him to bed.

"Mommy," Michael laughed as Jen pampered Michael with kisses. He squealed in delight as he smiled widely up at Jen.

"Love you my little lion."

"Mommy?" Michael asked.

"What is it my little cub?" Jen asked looking at her youngest in the eye.

"Why do people hurt people like me?" Michael asked as he tugged on his ears which made him hiss in pain.

"Hey," Jen said as he placed her bigger hands over Michael's tiny ones. "Yes your different Michael but you are you and i wouldn't want you to be any other way. I love you my little Kitty you so beautiful my precious baby boy."

"Why do others hate people like me?" Michael questioned. Jen knew Michael would start to ask questions like this but no matter how hard she tried to prepare herself nothing would work.

"People just aren't open-minded to different people, Mikey. There are bad people out there my little lion and you need to be so careful people might want to take you away from us and hurt you." Jen said as she ran her fingers through Michael's hair.

"Don't leave me, Mommy, ever, ok?" Michael asked his innocent green eyes looking up at hers.

"I will never leave you baby." Jen said as she watched her baby boy.


"Promise." Jen smiled.

Jace watched his wife and youngest with a huge proud smile promoted on his face. He knew that Jen couldn't keep her promise though, this world was too cruel for Michael and his kind but they would do anything to protect him and that's exactly what they did and the price they paid back was by losing their lives.

*Flashback ended*

"I'm not going to bring you back ok i promise," Calum said as him and Michael had a very intense staring contact.


"Promise." Calum smiled at Michael "I'm Calum by the way, Calum Hood."

And Michael was wishing on everything that he had that Calum wouldn't break that promise as his mommy did, he wanted Calum to be safe, he needed him to keep his promise and not return him, Michael didn't want to get hurt by the scientist he just wanted his family back but he knew that was never going to happen and was wishing so hard that Calum would stay with him forever, even if he just met him today.

"H-hi Calum, i'm Mikey," Michael smiled cutely at him. Maybe Michael was wishing too hard for Calum because he just met the guy but he couldn't help it, something about Calum made Michael get all tingly inside and he watched to just kiss and snuggle with the older boy all day. Michael was hoping and wishing on a star that Calum wouldn't leave him like his family.

Sorry, this is short, Ugh but i think i might keep this story kind of this short well the chapters or maybe a little longer but not a lot as my other book. 

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