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The boy with the white kitten ears searched for food in the dumpsters. The kitten boy never minded dumpster diving, he didn't mind how the stinky garbage stuck to his skin. It was because he was used to it, he was used to the way the garbage smells, he was used to how the small bits of glass scratch at his skin making him bleed a little bit.

Michael smiled at the half-eaten sandwich. He was surprised at first how people could throw out such good food, he was happy they do though because if they didn't he would have starved a long time ago.

The Maori smiled at the kitten boy. Watching as his nose scrunched up cutely as he saved his face into the sandwich. "Hey, Mikey," Calum called out.

The boys face held a huge smiled as he faced the brown haired boy.

"Cally!" Calum smiled sweetly at the young boy as they hugged.

"What's up baby?" Michael blushed from the pet name. No matter how many times Calum would call him 'baby' he still wouldn't get over it, the name still made him blush. "Do you need help, baby," Michael shook his head not wanting Calum to get dirty he was too pretty to be dirty like him.

"No I'm fine, Cally," Michael continued to search through the trash.

After what happened 2 days prior the two boys have grown closer than ever before. The kitten boy for the first time in his life he felt loved and cared for. He felt like another person, he didn't feel like a boy who was left for dead as a baby.

Michael felt like another human being that was in love. He loved Calum so much and he wanted to live with the boy forever.

"Mikey, come on let me help you."

"I don't need your help, Cal, I've been doing this since forever."

Michael wondered what it would be like if he didn't have to search for food every day. He wondered what it would be like if he could have a second shower. Most of all he wondered what it would be like if he and Calum got married, would they have children together? Would they have a dog, maybe 2? He didn't know but he wanted that more than anything. He didn't want to be captured by the bad people who would use him for experiments.

All Michael really wanted was Calum. He had accepted the fact that his family was never coming back ever, because their dead. He just wanted to have a life with Calum, he wanted to have 4 children running around the house, maybe more. He wanted to shower Calum in love because that's what they both deserve.

Calum came back to Michael with pancakes, fruit, and donuts. It was heaven for the boy since he never properly ate in a few years. "Thank you, Cally." The kitten by smiled sweetly at Calum.

"No problem, kitten, I love you always and forever." 

Ok, so this chapter is pretty much just a filler, I'm sorry! I hope you guys liked it anyway. 

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