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It's been a week...or a month, maybe it was even a year. Michael didn't know anymore. It was hard to keep track of time nowadays.

After Gabriel told him all of those things... it still didn't make sense. It was like he was reliving his life over and over again. The injections they give him push him into another memory over and over again, on repeat. Sometimes it was with Calum and sometimes it wasnt with him.

"Subject 213." Ashton came into the room, a clipboard in his hand.

"Ashton... why did you join this horrible place?" Tears were in his eyes. He was confused, he seemed like he always was now. Everyone is telling him things that didn't make sense but did at the same time, "I thought we were friends. From what you told me."

"I-" Ashton cleared his throat, "You, Luke and I were all friends as kids. We knew you were a hybrid because we saw your ears one day. Luke and I promised to keep it a secret, I promise I did. I never meant to hurt you, when your parents died and you left on the streets. Luke and I grew up into our teenage years, we dated. He was the love of my life... he was, I promise he was. They killed him, they took him because he was a hybrid too, he was a puppy. They told me if I wanted him back I needed to join them, I did. They did these things to him and he died. It was all my fault. I didn't want to hurt you or Luke. I'm sorry, but I can't leave this place. It's too late for me." Tears quickly poured out of the boys' eyes.

"Luke... but he was married to Sierra they had kids." His green eyes closed as hands pulled at his hair.

"Luke died at the age of twenty, Mikey. I'm going to tell you these things. I'm not supposed to but you need to know. I can't stand you like this." The boy mumbled quietly after his first sentence, "Even if I had this conversation with you years ago. You were captured about 3 years ago... You were assigned to doctor I, Calum Hood."

"That's not possible. I met Calum on the streets and I've only been here for..."

"You can't remember because of the serum we've been giving you. You and your doctor grew closer and Gabriel didn't like that, and soon enough you guys feel for each other... Gabriel gave you a new serum that wasn't tested yet and you lashed out, it wasn't you, Mike. I know Calum knows it too, you killed him. After that, they drugged you even more with serum and you were reliving your life on the streets to help you overcome these feelings of loneliness... you imagined how you wanted your life on the streets to be like back then, you imagined Calum and you imagined Luke because after I told you the story of how I got here you didn't believe me so you created a new him in your mind." It was silent. How do you wrap your mind around this new information or maybe not so new information? "I know it's hard to understand... But I'm going to be honest with you throughout our lives. I will be telling you the same thing forever. It's what happens. You forget and you relive your memories with Calum because that's the only way you'll get to see him...I'm sorry Mikey, I really am."

Michael was frozen in place, he was scared to talk to the mysterious man, might he add is absolutely stunning while Michael looked really bad as he hasn't had a proper shower and clean clothes in a long time.

"I-I'm M-Mikey." Michael said as he curled into himself, he felt very vulnerable under the browned eyed man as it looks like he was searching for something in Michael.

"Is that your full name, Mikey?" Calum asked as his eyes looked amused at the stuttering mess that was the younger kitten boy.


It's horrible how throughout the years you don't know about anything happening around you... Living your life as if it was in the moment but it's not. It's his memories. It's his imagination on how he wishes his life actually went. Maybe in his pretty little head, he'll make up a story that Calum and himself actually had a chance to live together.

Ashton was right... no matter what he will always be reliving his past for all of eternity. Until the day comes when he dies... Like Luke.

Alright loves! that's the end of this book! im sorry about all the plot holes... my stupid self deleted my notes by accident a little bit ago so I was going off what I remembered (Which isn't a lot). Thank you for sticking through this book, it means a lot.

If you guys have any questions about this book or you're just confused cause of all my plot holes than you can comment or just DM and I'll always answer ♥️

Love you guys and stay safe! xxx

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