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I'm sorry its so late! And it's pretty short im really sorry i just have some stuff going on.

The wind blew harshly against Michael as the only protection he had was the old ratty blanket. His body was shaking as the cold wind blew, it felt like it was piercing his skin. His lips turning blue and purple as the cold struct Michael. Whimpers fell from his blue lips that were shaking, his teeth chattered.

Michael had another nightmare, this time it was different, it was scary. There were kitten hybrids like him getting their ears and tails ripped off. It scared the boy too much as he hasn't fallen back to sleep after, the cold was really getting to Michael.

Michael closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep under his old and ratty blanket trying to keep warm.

The Maori boy scared Michael by asking if he was ok.

"Im f-f-fine." Michael said as his teeth chattered more.

"No your not, your cold." Calum stated as he came over to the shaking boy and wrapped his arms around him.

Michael could feel the heat radiating off his body so he snuggled closer to Calums chest he was too cold right now to care how close they were. "I s-should be used to the c-cold by now but im not, i f-f-f-feel like it gets c-c-colder each year."

"Ya maybe, i don't know but you need to keep warm Mikey ok, i can't have you dying on me." Calum laughed.

Michael really wanted to know why Calum hasn't talked about himself much, he hasn't talked about his past like Michael did. Michael didn't really know that much about Calum to be honest he only knows that his full name his Calum Thomas Hood, he was born January 25 and he is 20 (A/N : can't remember what i put his age or if i even did so now hes 20) and his favorite color is blue.

"Cal." Michael asked.

"What's up Mikey," Calum replied as he played with Michaels' hair.

"Where are your parents," Michael asked, he wanted to know why he hasn't talked about his family.

"What?" Calum asked clearly surprise.

"Why don't you talk about your family."

"I just don't." Calum said rather quickly.

"How come." Michael asked he knew he was being very persistent but he wanted to know.

"Nothing Mikey, drop it." Calum snapped.


Michael was very sad that Calum snapped at him but he knew it was his fault, he just wanted to know about Calum some more, he didn't think anything wrong about that. He didn't think that it was wrong to ask but know that he thinks it over it was kind of rude of him to ask that. "I'm sorry Calum i didn't mean to be so rude." Michael sighed as he looked at Calum who had a blank stare on his face.

"It's ok Mikey i promise everything's fine." Calum smiled.

"Can we cuddle." The smaller boy asked cutely.

"Of course we can Mikey," Calum said as Michael curled into him sighing in content as Calum body heat warms him up.

"Go to sleep Mikey i'll be here when you wake up." Calum said as he ran his hands through Michaels' hair trying to soothe him back to sleep.

"Promise." Michael asked tiredly as his eyes closed slightly.

"Promise, good night Mikey." Calum kissed Michaels head.

Oh my god, that was so bad, I'm sorry!

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