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Interview Tape 3

A: The doctors say you haven't been eating.

B: ...

A: Can you please tell me why you won't eat.


A: Does this have something to do with Doctor I

B: I don't know why but yes it does.

A: Is it because he's gone away for a couple of days.

B: I miss him.

A: And why is that.

B: because...

A: Subject 213 can you explain to me how your feeling.

B: I feel... i don't know how i feel, i feel hopeless.

A: Can you elaborate.

B: I feel like numb i can really think properly i don't know my mind is a mess everything is mess up and i don't know why.

A: What are those thoughts that you've been thinking.

B: Death.

End Interview tape 3

The boy's voice was drowned out by the cars zooming down the streets and the people walking around to get to someplace. His voice was angelic, how he sang the verse over again. His voice was drowned out by the deaf ears around him.

Michael had always been amazing at singing ever since he was small. Jen would always sing little nursery rhymes with him and he would sing them back with her it was their thing.

'Lavender Blue' was the song that Jen would sing Michael to sleep it was their song Michael would fall right to sleep when he heard his mother sang it to him. She had an amazing voice and her voice being just as angelic she passed her vocal voice to Michael.

"Lavender blue


Lavender green

If I were king


I'd need a queen." Michael sang.

His voice was so beautiful. His hands were playing with the ratty blanket as he held in close to him while singing, remembering all the times that his mother sung him Lavender Blue, he missed her voice the song was not the same without Jen.

Michael jumped as he heard clapping from behind him. "Oh it's just you Cal, you scared me," Michael said as his little hand was over his heart.

"Sorry Cutie." Calum smiled. "Your singing is beautiful, just like you." Calum said as he twirled Michael's hair a little.

Michael blushed at the pet name. "So what are you doing here?"

"Can't i come to see you," Calum said.

"Of course you can." Michael said quickly "But what do you want to do i don't really have any money."

"That's ok we can just stay here and talk if you want."

"Sure." Michael said happily "I had a dream again."

"What was it about."

"My mommy," Michael said as he played with his fingers.

"Tell me more." Calum urged.

"It was just the times my mom sung me Lavender Blue, it was our song and i sang it today because i miss her." Michael sighed as tears was brought to his alluring green eyes. "I want her back or at least i want her to sing me the song one more time."

All Michael wanted was his family back he would do anything just to have them back he wished he could go back in time and save them but he was also glad that he wasn't alone anymore he had Calum and he was happy about that he doesn't know what he would do if he didn't have Calum, Calum made him feel safe and for the first time in years he feels like he has a home. 

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