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Tape interview 5

A: Are you ready for your surgery later?

B: Not really, I'm really scared.

A: There's nothing to worry about. It's all perfectly safe.

B: I don't think so, Doctor. I'm really nervous.

A: Do you want me to get Doctor I for you?

B: No, I'm ok.

A: Are you, ok?

B: Not really.

A: Did something happen.

B: I don't know, Doctor I was really mad at me today.

A: What happened.

B: I'm not really sure, he was fine one minute, then the next he was yelling at me.

A: And what were you feeling then.

B: Sad, Scared, Heartbroken.

A: Heartbroken?

B: Yes may I leave now.

A: I suppose.

End Tape 5

The small boy hasn't seen Calum in over a week he is worried sick for the older boy. Michael ended up mindless walking about trying to find the boy he so helplessly fell for.

Michael talked to a lot of different people hoping if they knew Calum's whereabouts.

"Excuse me-" Michal asked a blonde male who had a metal thing stuck in his lip. "Have you seen this man?" Michael timidly asked.

"I'm sorry I haven't seen him." The man spoke with sympathy. "What's your name hunny?"

"My names Michael, who are you?" Michael asked as he looked into the taller man's ocean blue eyes.

"I'm Luke."

"Hello, Luke. Can you help me find Calum please?"

"Of course little dude."

Luke and Michael looked everywhere for Calum. Michael was giving up all hope in finding the man he loved.

"Don't give up Michael, you'll find him" Luke reassured the younger boy.

Michael found out a lot of things about Luke. Luke's full name was Luke Robert Hemmings, Luke loved the color green, Luke was 32 years old. Luke also had a wife named Sierra and they had two boys and a daughter together. Michael really liked the names of Luke's kids. Their names are Justine, Arthur, and Emmalynn. Michael's little girl Emmalynn made him tear up over the name Emma, it was close to his sisters' name.

"I think you should go home ok, Michael?" Luke asked as he saw that the sun start setting and it was almost dark.

"No, I have to look for Calum."

"Come on, Michael please you need to head home. I'm sure your parents are worried about you." Michael didn't tell Luke about his current living condition. He made up lies, he told Luke that he and Calum were dating, he told Luke that he lived in a huge house with a garden that he loved very dearly. He told Luke that he and Calum were hoping to adopt so just yesterday that started making a nursery for the baby. He told Luke that they got into a fight over the color they wanted the room.

Everything he told Luke was a lie, but it was his dream, everything he told Luke was his dream. The house, the garden, Calum loving him, the baby, how they fought. He just wanted his dream to come true was that so hard to ask for?

(A/N: I know Luke's not 32 but I'm just making him this age, so don't hate me.)

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