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This chapter is going to be a memory or flashback of when Michael was little. 

"Mommy!" The little boy screamed. The happy 8-year-old ran around the living room with his sister following behind.

"Yes, my little lion?" Jen looked down at her son.

"I don't wanna learn how to ride a bike." The boys bottom lip wobbled.

"You have to learn sometime, Mikey." Emma intervened.

"No." Michael stuck his tongue out at her.

"Now, little lion, why don't you be a brave big boy for mommy, ok. I want you to learn how to ride your bike so you can ride it all on your own alright, baby." Jen smiled at her youngest son.


Emma picked up her brother as he was still very small for his age. "Alright mister, I'm going to teach you how to ride your bike without any training wheels."

James was there to lift Michael on his bike. "Now don't be afraid little brother, ok we're here if anything happens."

"Don't let me fall ok, Jamie." Michael whimpered using James' nickname that Michael had given him.

"I won't let you fall," James promised.

"Don't let go, ok."

"We won't Mikey, i promise you." Emma kissed Michaels cheek.

James pushed Michael's pink and purple bike down the road. Once James knew Michael could do it on his own he let go.

"Not let go," Michael begged as his feet kept pedaling.

"I won't," James called back.

Emma looked at her older brother and smiled, "They grow up so fast."

James looked between his younger sister and brother, "Ya they do."

James was brought back when he heard his little brother fall and start crying.

Jace saw that his son was hurt so he came to help.

"Come here, buddy," Jace said as he picked his son up.

The blonde man put his son on the counter in the bathroom as he cleaned the scrapes and scratches on the boy's knees and hands.

"Daddy," Michael sniffled as he rubbed his green eyes.

"Ya, baby?" Jace looked at his son.

"Why do I have to wear this hat, daddy, I don't like it." Michael's hand tries to take off the hat that he was wearing.

"No, Mikey buddy you have to keep the hat on ok, promise me you will." Jace's face was panicked, thinking what would happen if someone found out about Michael.

"But, Dada it hurts my kitty ears." Michael whimpered.

"I know baby but you have you."

"Daddy, please I don't like it anymore it's not comfy." Michael cried as tears fell from his eyes.

"Mikey please listen to daddy, ok. You need to keep your hat on when outside alright because you're special than other people. You have Kitty ears while daddy has plane old ears right." Michael nodded, "Some people feel threatened by special people like you so they might hurt you and when you have your hat on and your tail in your pants no one will know so they won't hurt you."

Michael sniffled well looking at Jace.

"Please, Mikey do this for Daddy and Mommy alright all we want is that you, Emma and James to be safe." Tears welled up in Jace's eyes thinking about either of his children getting hurt, it was the only thing that could get Jace to tear up is thinking of them getting hurt.

"Mommy," Michael looked up at Jen who came into the bathroom to see them.

"Mommy loves you, little lion, we all just want you safe and sound."

It's sad to think about it now as Jen and Jace couldn't save their kids. Emma and James were dead the same with them and they left poor Michael all alone with no family. They just wanted to protect their children. They tried but it didn't work as Michael Clifford was all alone in the world who hated his kind. 

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