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⚠️Warning‼️⚠️ *Triggering* Mention/Close to rape,

Tape interview 6

A: Do you know why you're in isolation, subject 213?

B: Because...

A: What did you do. Tell me.

B: I tried to hurt another patient

A: Yes but why did you do it?

B: Because she tried to hurt doctor I.

A: You are getting quite attached to this doctor, subject 213.

B: Well yes, he's always there for me.

A: We are here for you as well.

B: Not like he is.

A: Subject 213 do you understand the consequences if we find out that you and doctor I are having a relationship together.

B: Were not I promise, I would never do that, I'm a good boy.

A: yes you are subject 213, yes you are.

Michael never forgot Luke. He never forgot how his blonde hair blew softly in the wind, he never forgot how he spoke about his wife and kids, how he spoke with so much love like his wife and kids are his worlds. The kitten boy wanted that, he wanted someone to speak about him like that. More specifically he wanted Calum Hood to speak about him like that, he wanted Calum to love him and hold him forever.

The younger boy heard rustling behind him as he tried to sleep throughout the night. Praying in his head that it would be Calum. Not all things come true when it's Michael.

"Hello, little boy what are you doing out here." An older woman looked down at him with a mischievous smirk on her face. She could obviously tell that Michael was homeless.

"I'm trying to sleep, m-mam" Michael stuttered out he didn't know what they wanted from him as he doesn't have anything to give.

"Do you mind if my husband and I talk to you?"

"S-s-sure." Michael had no idea what was happening he just saw a nice woman actually wanted to talk to him instead of looking at him with disgust.

The Ginger haired woman's husband finally came out of his hiding and smiled a wicked smile down at Michael. "He's a beauty."

"T-thank you, Sir." The kitten boy stuttered out.

The two of them whispered something to each other so Michael wouldn't be able to hear what they were saying.

"Do you mind if you help us out boy?" The brunette man asked.

"S-sure w-what do you n-need help w-with?"

The woman walked closer to Michael as she grabbed him from behind and held him to her chest. The blonde squeaked out as he cried, "Let me g-go p-please."

"I don't think so buddy, you said you'll help us out. "

The older woman's hand found its way into Michael's pants as she palmed her hand onto his closed member.

"No! Stop it! Help me!" Michael screamed as he begged for them to stop.

"Hey! Let him go," The raven-haired boy showed up as he scared away the older two. "Mikey, are you ok?"

"Cally!" The kitten boy cried as he hugged Calum tight.

"Its ok Mikey, it's ok I'm here." Calum shushed the crying boy.

Once Calum finally got Michael to stop crying they laid together on the hard dirty alleyway floor as they held each other close.

That night Calum and Michael confessed how they felt for each other and if they made love on the dirty alleyway floor then nobody would know but them.

Well, my loves, I cried writing this I hate seeing my baby hurt! Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this short, sad, and triggering chapter. Sorry for my grammar and punctuation that I probably messed up on. I have an exam coming up and I have to study for that so I'm kind of out of it well writing but I hope you guys liked this chpater anyway!

Comment what you guys think will happen next? Don't be afraid to comment, comments are what keep me going well writing just knowing people enjoy the book make me feel better. Plus I love reading comments!

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