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Tape 11

A: I know this must be a difficult time for you, subject 213.

B: I just feel nauseous and a little out of it.

A: That's normal. We put you on higher medication.

B: I have a question doctor.

A: What is it?

B: Doctor I hasn't visited me in the past month, why?

A: Doctor I went away for a vacation with his wife and kids.

B: He has a wife!?

A: Of course, has he not told you about her?

B: No, what's her name?

A: I'm not allowed to say, but her name starts with an 'S'

Ragged breaths filled the empty room. The boy's head swarming with thoughts. None of this is true, it can't be.

Ashton led the delusional boy down the hallway. They stopped right outside the wooden door. "Alright Michael, good luck."

Ashton opened the door and pushed Michael inside. Gabriel sat in one chair with a clipboard and a pen. "Hello. Take a seat." Michael sniffled and sat down on a couch.

"Alright, let's get started." Gabriel clicked on his pen.

"Subject 213?"

"What?" Michael whined quietly. Why did Gabriel call him by a number? He wanted his name.

Gabriel smiled "That's your name."

"My name is Michael." Gabriel picked up a recorder and held it to his mouth.

"Subject 213 is gaining his memory."

"I'm really confused and my head hurts. Can someone please explain to me. I just want Calum." The kitten boy cried into his hands. He has never been so scared in his life.

"213. You don't remember what happened in the last 2 years?" Gabriel smiled slightly at the confused boy.

"2 years ago I was still living on the streets."

Gabriel scribbled something down on the notes. "Can you please tell me that Calum isn't dead. I didn't kill him because I just saw him a little bit ago. He was alive and we held each other."

"I'm afraid he is dead subject, 213. You killed him out of anger."

"That's not possible. I love him. I wouldn't kill him. I wouldn't. We were in love." Fat tears filled his eyes. Why was everyone lying to him? They had to be lying, they hurt him, they cut off his ears, they had to be lying about Calum. Cal was alive, he had to be.

"Subject 213 has been told and is having a hard time believing."

"Will you stop with that! Why are we doing this?! I want to go home, please." Towards the end of his sentence, he got quieter as he cried silently.

"This has been your home for the past 2 years."

"Why are you lying?! I have no idea what you're doing but this isn't funny! Calum isn't dead and I most certainly haven't lived here for 2 years!" Michael yelled. His fist balled up in his lap. He just wanted to scream and cry. His whole life was a mess, he needed to know the truth and nobody is telling him it.

"I'm not lying. You did kill Calum Hood. Your memories of him are all jumbled up into one. You're reliving your memories. You bring up Calum when he's actually been dead for quite a while..."

"You're not making any sense!" Michael screamed. "You're making me seem crazy! I'm not crazy, you're crazy and insane. Calum Hood is my boyfriend and I live on the streets. Calum saved me from those 2 people one night he was there! He was..."

"Another thing is Luke Hemmings. He was another one of your friends. He died a while ago as well. You made a vision in your head, same with Calum. They're both old memories you once had." Gabriel stated calmly as Michael threw things at the wall.

"Luke and Calum were real. Luke had a wife named Sierra and beautiful kids! He was real I know he was, so was Calum."

"I never said they weren't real once." Gabriel chuckled at the confusion on Michael's face. He could clearly see the war in his head. "You relived those memories because you were lonely." 

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