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I'm sorry its so late ;(

Interview Tape 2

A: How are you doing this evening subject 213?

B: ...

A: I'm here to help you, subject 213.

B: I don't want to be here.

A: How come? Can you explain to me, please?

B: I want to go back and talk to and see Doctor I

A: why doctor I?

B: He's nice to me.

A: Are you sure there's nothing going on.

B: i'm sure he's just nice to me.

A: you do know that most of the doctors here aren't supposed to be nice to patients.

B: ...

A: I'm glad Doctor I is nice to you subject 213 you are a very good person.

B: is our time up now.

A: not quite but i like you subject 213 you don't put much of a fight to talk and i appreciate that, so you may go back to your cell. Have a good night subject 213.

B: Thank you and you too.

End of Interview tape 2

For for the past years he was out in the streets, Michael has been having these flashbacks from when he was younger with his parents. It hurt it also warmed his heart as he still remembered what they looked like.

Michael remembered how his mother smelled and how his father would always make coffee and give him little sips in the morning even though Michael thought it was gross he still wanted some so he could feel closer to his father.

He remembered his Emma and James would always play football with him even though he sucked at it They never once left Michael out they were more than willing to let him play with them.


"Come on Mikey, say Michael." Emma urged him.

"I'key!" Michael clapped his tiny hands together and giggled up at Emma.

"Close enough." Emma smiled. "Now say I'm Mikey."

"I'key!" Michael squealed.

James laughed at Emma "Are you seriously trying to get him to talk in third person."

"Hey, it's going to be cute." Emma defended herself as Jen and Jace were in the kitchen watching the kids play with Michael and try and get him to talk in third person.

"You guys..." Jen rolled her eyes playfully at her kids. "Come on its dinner."

Jen picked up Michael and kissed his chubby cheeks. "Come on little lion lets get some food in that little tummy of yours."

*Flashback over*

Michael has been having these little memories forever and he's not mad about having these it makes him feel like he's still close to his family and they're not gone.

Calum and Michael had been talking for a while and a couple of days now. He's glad he finally has someone like Calum to talk to, it was getting very lonely on his own.

Calum has been there for Michael for anything that he needed. Calum would stay with Michael until he fell asleep, probably going back to his home.

Michael was so thankful that he met Calum, he felt like Calum was the one. He felt so happy and alive when he was with Calum like he could talk to him about everything and on top of that Calum did not report him for being a hybrid, in fact, Calum stayed with Michael and told him how cute he was with his ears and tail. That's what he loved about Calum. Calum stayed and that's what most people even did. 

it's not that good sorry ;(

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