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The kitten boy walked around at night watching people ignore him and go about their lives. Michael hid his ears behind his beanie and stuffed his tail in his pants.

The young boy watched as the drunks laughed while they walked home.

Michael teared up but smiled at the young family out on a nightly stroll. The kitten boy almost cried when he saw the family give him a disgusted look. Michael knew it was from his dirty hair, clothes and from how bad he stank. It wasn't his fault though, he never wanted to be homeless. He wanted clean clothes, he wanted to have a bath and clean himself, but he couldn't because he didn't have a home.

Michael smiled brightly at the young boy who smiled at him. The boy reminded Michael of himself, the whole family reminded him of his own. That's what made him cry, it was the thought of his family looking at him like that with disgust, that's what hurt the most.

Calum played with Michael's greasy hair as he tried to untangle the boys' hair.

"Cally," The sweet angelic voice brought Calum out of his thoughts.

"Yes, sweet cheeks?"

"Why don't you ever talk about yourself?"

Calum stayed silent as he just stared into Michael's bewitching green eyes.



"Why do you do it?"

"Because Michael, there's nothing to tell."

"Of course, there is please, I just want to know more." Michael could see that Calum was getting annoyed but he didn't understand why, he just wanted to know about Calum. "I just don't understand why you don't tell me anything, I barely know you."

"Just leave it Michael." Calum spat.

The kitten boy flinched at the tone in his voice. "Calum, please I just wanna know more about you. I've told you everything about me and I don't know you that much."

"I'm so done Michael alright, just leave me alone!" Calum pushed Michael back against the wall.

Michael had no idea who this Calum was because for sure it wasn't the real Calum, if he even knew what the real Calum was.

When Michael opened his eyes again Calum was gone. His lip wobbled as tears filled up his eyes.

"I'm sorry," Michael whispered as he cried. He cried for Calum, he cried for his dead family, he cried for his living conditions and he cried for himself.

The Kitten boy wrapped his arms around himself as he cried into them.

Michael sang a little to himself as he cried his voice being the only company he had in this time of need.

Rock-a-bye, baby

On the treetop

When the wind blows

The cradle will rock

If the bough breaks

The cradle will fall

The boy cried as he sang, he only sang the first verse as it was the only part he could remember, he remembers his mother singing it to him he remembers her beautiful blue eyes looking into his. He misses her so much, he misses them all, he mostly misses Calum.

Michael fell asleep with dried up tears on his face with words swarming his mind, that it was his all his fault Calum left which is right, it was his fault he shouldn't have pushed Calum too far but he did and it was all his fault.

All he wanted at this moment is for Calum to hold him and tell him everything going to be ok.

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