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Michael wasn't a bad kid, he never wanted to do what he was doing. He tried everything but he always came back to this solution.

Nobody would help him. Not a single soul would help the small boy out. They wouldn't even send him a glance. Everybody would look at him and think that he was a lowlife kid who did bad stuff and that he deserved to live on the streets. When in reality, it was people like them who killed his family and forced him to be homeless.

The boy has stolen from the same store before. The owner was alcoholic and often forgot to close up the store before he left to get drunk down at a pub.

It was around 12 at night. The kitten boys hands were shaking as he opened the store's door. Michael always got a lot of things from the store. It had everything, food, drinks, blankets, beds that showed off bed sheets.

Michael's mouth watered as he looked over the food choices. The kitten boy grabbed the bread from one of the isles as he ripped it open eating it right away. He was just really hungry from never really having a good meal.

The boy wasn't too worried about getting in trouble for stealing because the owner was too drunk to remember how much food he counted before he went and got drunk.

The blonde boy felt a hand sneak up at his shoulder.

"Ah!" Michael jumped

"S-sorry." Calum laughed as he held at his stomach.

"That wasn't funny, Cal. You scared me." Michael whimpered.

"I'm sorry, Mikey don't be mad." Calum kissed the boys cheek. Michael's face goes red. "What are you doing in here anyway?"

"I'm hungry, Cally," Michael whined as he ate some more.

"You're stealing." Calum stated rather rudely.

"What do you want me to do Cal. I don't have money, I don't have a job. I have nothing." Michael cried.

"You have me."

"Do I?"

Instead of answering, Calum kissed Michael. As the kissed grew more lustful Calum started grinding on him. Michael moaned into the kiss.

"Can I?" Calum asked as Michael started unbuttoning Calums shirt.

"Yes!" Michael begged as he grinded on Calum again.

Calum picked up Michael as the kitten boy wrapped his arms and legs around Calum's body. "Please, Cal," Michael begged.

"What do you want, Mikey?" Calum smirked.

"I want you. Please, please can I have you." Michael begged even more.

Calum gently laid Michael on the bed that was in a different isle that held the bedroom products. "Are you sure you're ok with this. I know we had sex before, I just want you to be totally ok with this first."

"Yes Calum, I'm fine. Just please do something."

"I love you, Michael," Calum whispered as he unzipped the kitten boys pants.

"I love you so much more."

That night was filled with more passion and love than anything the two boys have ever experienced. The kisses they shared were something magical as they didn't care if they had sex in someone else's store, on a bed they didn't own. It was better than nothing and the two couldn't be happier with each other.

Love how they had sex on a bed they didn't own. I would hate to be the owner of the store ;) I'm sorry I also didn't write the full smut or anything. I don't have an excuse I was just lazy and a lot of shit went down today so I'm not in the mood to write smut. Sorry!

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