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Ok, this took a long time I'm sorry but I have decided to not make these chapter every day it's just too much for me as I have like 4 book that I need to post for. This is the timetable for when I will be posting. I'll be posting each week for one book 

1) The Princess And The Slave | Ot4 (Almost done this book)

2) Alone Kitten | Malum

3) Soulmates | Mashton

4) King | Muke

I updated the first one last week so now its Alone kitten and next week it will be soulmates and that's how it will work. Thank for understanding guys! 

Michael was very intrigued by Calum. Calum Hood was a mystery to Michael, everything about the Maori screamed mystery and that's what made Michael fall for him. Yes, it was short notice, it's only been a little bit since they met, but Michael just felt so connected with him he feels like he's known him all his life.

The kitten boy loved when Calum would give him compliments, it warmed his heart. He made him feel like he was loved by someone.

Michael was huddled in the corner of the dirty alleyway curled up in a ball trying to stay warm as he held onto his ratty old blanket. The smell of his parents was still there as he closed his bright green eyes trying to remember all of the times his family has said to Goodnight to him. The kitten boy always did this before he went to sleep, he always remembers when they sang him songs and said Goodnight it was his way of falling asleep without it he couldn't sleep.

Michael loved the smell of the blanket, yes it did smell like garbage, but if you really searched through that you can smell his home the cookie smell mixed with lavender it didn't smell too appealing, but to Michael, it was perfect because it was home and he was far from it where he was now. With Calum that spark in his heart has been there maybe, just maybe he felt at home with him he felt at peace.

The kitten boy really wanted to get back to his true home, he wanted to go back home where his mom and dad always joke around in the kitchen where his sister did homework at the table laughing at her parents where his brother sat in the living playing video games. Michael didn't really know who he remembers all of these as he was only 6 but he did and he was glad he wouldn't know what he would do if he forgot he couldn't think of a world without his memories because that's all he had.

The Maori was sat beside the smaller boy as they talked about random stuff. "So tell me more about your family, Mikey," Calum said as he drew circles on the kitten boys fragile hand.

"There's not much to tell," Michael said as he stared into Calum's alluring brown eyes. You know how people only say that brown eyes are boring until you fall in love with a person with brown eyes that's how Michael felt he loved Calum's eyes so much they had something in them that just pulled Michael toward them. He could stare at them all day every day forever, he wouldn't mind. He wouldn't mind waking up beside Calum looking into his beautiful brown eyes. He wouldn't mind spending every waking moment with this boy.

"Come on, tell me anything." Calum urged.

"Um- I guess my dad loved to write, it was his hobby, he loved to make songs for my mom to sing me it was fun we all would have these little family band even though I was like 4 I would play the guitar- well I tried anyway." The kitten boy laughed. "It was so fun. I remember this time that dad and mom got into this argument, it was small, so Emma started throwing food around to get them to shut up; it did and we all had a food fight. Mom was really angry at first because dad started throwing first not caring about the mess, but Mom laughed it off and joined."

"How old were you?" Calum asked as he looked into Michael's sparkling green eyes. Calum noticed the way Michael eyes would light up and had this sparkle in it every time he talked about his family.

"I was 5." Michael smiled at the memory that played through his head. "I wish they were here so they could meet you." Michael smiled sadly at the Maori.

"Hey, but if they were still here we wouldn't have met each other right." Calum tries to cheer up the boy.

"I know but still I wished that we have met and they were still here. I miss them, Cally, I miss them so much. I want my mommy here with me." Michael cried as he pulled the blanket and Calum toward him and he snuggled into both of them.

"I want them back."

Alone Kitten ✾ MalumWhere stories live. Discover now